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Everything posted by kenny243

  1. hey everybody , i live in belgium and have a question about the wire you all use to snare the bunnies , i have reed some of the topics here and most of you use brass wire , do you use the same snare twice ore even more ? we here in belgium make them from a verry thin wire , normaly used for binding flowers (roses) we make them six strand thogether , sometimes i can use a snare again but this is not often , mostly they are all thurned up and twisted . no good to use again . do you have the same with the brass one ore are they good to use over and over again ? gr
  2. they are deep warrens , but how big are they ? you could try to put more ferrets down if they are big , then you put more pressure on the warren (on the bunnies) this helps around here anyway
  3. nice bag mate keep up the good work !!!
  4. hi i have a premission from 20 hectares big , i work this in one day , how long should i wait between two time ferreting on the same premission ?
  5. hey , i have used the nets with two rings and two pegs for many years (french nets ) they work perfect , but i to use nets with one peg , and they work perfect to . but you asked wath french nets are , two rings traveling over two pegs .
  6. nice one , keep up the good work !!!
  7. whent out ferreting today , so the box is used the first time , i thought that the lock would be no good , but it did verry well , my mate would like to have one to , so i have some work ahead , ferret seems to like it to , we whent on a new premission , and it was great , a lot of bunny's an a lot of holes , 3 got away and 13 whent in to the bag . sorry , no pic's
  8. my hutch is realy not that special , i have seen al lot bigger and better on the forum here . will make some pic 's tomorow and post it .
  9. thanks for all the positive comments guys . it took me a whole month to make , now and then when i had the time i work a little bit on it , i'm glad it become a nice box and all of you like it .
  10. hi everybody , i have finaly finished my new ferreting box , here are some pic's , hope you all like it ?
  11. ha ha ha , yep , woman x screwdriver =
  12. hey , i did the same thing with the screw driver and let the misses hold it , but when you have a spool without edge the twine like to flip from the edge and gets stuck on the screw driver . this problem is resolved with the divise in the pic above because the twine gets puld away from the edge to the center hole .
  13. hey leeview , yes this helped .
  14. hi , i had the same problem , made holes in my pegs and always find it hard to get the draw cord trough , now i take a pice of wire , verry thin wire , this i fold double en put the cord between , this helps a lot to get it trough , the wire is verry easy to get trough and the cord just follows . you wil heve to make the hole in the peg a littele larger of course . this method i use with the hemp if i use nylon i just melt the ends with a lighter and right after i melt it i make it pointed with my fingers , this helps a lot getting the cord trough , when using two cord to put trough
  15. hi everybody , for those ho make there onw nets , here is a little divise i have made that makes it easier to wind of the twine for filling the needle . especially if the twine is on a spool without any edge on the spool . with this divise the twine kan not flip of the edge of the spool because the twine is always pull to the middle when winding of . you can just put it on the table or on the floor en start filling youre needle without any problems ! it works like a charm ! hope some of you find it usefull .
  16. hey i find the video section but no net making in there .
  17. hi mate , what ever you do dont ever flick youre ferrets on the nose !!! they are just playing , and a ferret should be youre best pall . you mast keep on handeling them , if they bite to hard correct them bey talking harder and just say , no !!! olsow you can thake them by the back of there neck skin , they wil take it verry soon . tip : frequently put a finger in there mouth . so they wil get used to it . handel them every day , and always treat them with love and respect .they wil treat you the same way back
  18. ho know where i can find the link to the net making video that is posted not long ago ,?
  19. exellent work mate , keep up the good work ! wish we had that many bunnies here in belgium
  20. nice one mate ! wel done :thumbs:
  21. hey , yes we got somme bunnies 5 in the nets and 3 got away the two dog's are fox terrier , we cal them farmer fox dog's they do there job verry good , they hunt the bunnies to the holes and pinpoint exatly where there are bunnies and where not , so that save's a lot of work . they are fun to have around .
  22. did i got ote ? please what das ote mean ?
  23. hey leeview , i dont use a swivel between the ring and the hook , should i use one ore not ? gr
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