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Everything posted by happyferret123

  1. http://elrellano.com/videos_online/4624/circo-roncalli.html Cool Video, But is it real, I don't think it could be?!
  2. I've got the same. A light polecat with red eyes. Prob just has been bred with an albino or something. They look dark in photos but red in the light, and she has flicks of silver in her too. not many people breed just sandy with sandy, polecat with polecat etc., so will always see different colours emerging from different generations.
  3. Can't always say yes they will, or no they won't work. My boyfriend borrowed his friends pet ferrets over the season who have always lived inside never eaten raw meat and they are great little workers. Often instinct kicks in. And if you look back at past posts on this forum there are loads of people who have got there ferrets off ferret rescues which would have probably been pets before.
  4. sometimes it just depends on the ferret, and you will only really know once you've taken them out a few times. My hob works a lot better than my jill, he hardly ever kills, always comes back when it is clear of rabbits. But then he is bigger so cant fit down some than my tiny jill can. But for some it is the other way round.
  5. A game bag to put the bunnies (you hopefully catch) in can be useful
  6. If you have to bring your ferret inside for a couple of days ready for an op, etc., and want to mask the smell a bit I found that http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ferret-Squeaky-Clean-Instant-Shampoo/dp/B0010OPRJY tropical spray that you spray on dry, controls the smell a bit.
  7. If your ferret is really that good why don't you advertise the hob to stud someone else's Jill and at least see how it's all done for the first year and ask for one of the babies in return. And do the research so next year you know what to do. You really do sound quite immature by your posts, there could be so many things that could go wrong, such as the mother dying then you would be left to bring up the kits which would be a 24 hour job. Then if you wanted to keep some of them the cost of neuter and spaying is a lot, as you wouldn’t want brothers and sisters breeding next year. I have an a
  8. It was accident, The owners went hawking together and took the dogs with them and it resulted in a litter of 9 or 10. We only saw the dog which was the Vizsla, only saw pictures of the bitch as they decided to look after the pups as they had more time, but we are surprised she hasn't turned out bigger; she is rather surprisingly small. Yes She is worked, quite eager to please, But sometimes when starts to chase something its very hard to get her to stop. And she doesn't calm down, will never sit still for 5 mins, might have been better to kennel her. But you can see more of the Vizsla in her t
  9. My Boyfriend has a Vizsla cross Springer and although she is a lovely dog has not calmed down, she is now 2 1/2 years old people when they see her think she is still a puppy, its impossible to tire her out. Tried uploading photo but not working. Might work from image shack, I'll give it a go. By happyferret123 at 2011-02-21 By happyferret123 at 2011-02-21
  10. If you're planning on buying both a jill and hob, why would you only take out one? Personally I love to see my ferrets working, they do love the exercise and its lovely to see them doing something that come naturally to them. Also some times one has a off day, or if one of them is unwell you can just switch. my Jill and Hob go together in a carrier no probs at all, of course it depends on the ferrets my hob is so laid back! I have friends who have ferrets who also carry there hobs and jills together also without any probs, so I don't see why not, unless they don't get on but that should be qui
  11. What about a Hob in season and a Jill that has been Spayed they're all-right to be together won't they? My hob has become a little feisty lately. Lou
  12. Yeah a tick remover is best. The sprays don't really do a lot. I went to the vets, spent a massive amount of money and it didn't kill any, had to remove them all by hand anyway. Have a look at this website http://www.bada-uk.org/defence/removal/indextickremoval.php all about ticks and removing them Lou
  13. There are also items you can buy on Ebay for those who have money,...sadly not me. I just change it loads of times a day when it's this cold Some examples. ebay bottle ebay bottle
  14. Yeah I clean out the hutch everyday with antibacterial pet cage spray and wash all the bedding. I just think he was quite unlucky must have gathered all the ticks in the field! I decided to just remove them by hand the poor guy! Managed to get most out and now have moved him to a bigger hutch hopefully no eggs will be around by doing this and keep checking everyday for any more. Living back in Bournemouth now so will take him back to the vet as there is a ferret specialist nearby to check all gone and hopefully buy some frontline for future problems. Thanks for all your advise. Don't know what
  15. I don't have that sort of tick remover I have the one below.(on that website link) Is that no good? No didn't sell me those tick removers. Everyone recommends this vet in Stow, but I'm not so sure myself, the vet I used to go to in Cheltenham for my cat which was lovely but they don't deal with ferrets. Anyone know a good vet in the Gloucestershire area? http://www.supercoolpets.com/archives/2009/06/trix_tick_remover_system.php The vet didn't give me a can of spray just squirted the ferret 10 times and charged me £40 for it! Didn't put any around his face. Thanks for all your replies! Lou
  16. Hiya, New to this website. Having bad problem with Ticks, my boyfriends mum accidently let the ferret out the cage and he went running of for 5 hours, when we found him later he was covered in about 200 ticks. All types- hedgehog, sheep, etc. so we took him to the vets, they don't specialise in ferrets but said that there were too many to pull out one by one, so sprayed him with the frontline spray but because it is so alcohol based they didn't spray his face or ears where most of them are (many around his eyes) so it hasn't worked he's still covered in them. Bellow is a message from the http:
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