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Everything posted by happyferret123

  1. Sudocrem is not as good as everyone thinks. I wouldn't put it on my ferret especially if it was in with others, it is now banned on horses because of what it contains. I would either bath it in salt water/ diluted tea tree, or you can get a cream from most natural health stores called skin salvation or similar which is antiseptic and made of natural ingredients such as beeswax which I use on my own skin, which is pretty good.
  2. Agree with the above, if you put out a wasp trap then hopefully that will reduce their numbers. Otherwise only feed meat at night. Otherwise could you put a very thin fabric over the mesh like people do to keep out the fly's?
  3. One of the other ferrets wouldn't have attacked it would it? If its a new one the others might not have excepted it straight away? Was it in with older ones?
  4. One of mine hisses when the younger one jumps on her head, or tries to steal her meat. Some Ferrets are more vocal than others. Might take longer than the other's to be comfortable being held. But as long as you handle it enough I'm sure it will get used to you, then trust you, then be fine in the end Just keep going.
  5. vasectomy's are usually more expensive than castration. I think any where between £20-£40 would be quite normal for castration maybe £55-90 for vasectomy.
  6. My ferret DID get worms. I went on Poo Patrol because she went really boney but with a big bulgy belly thought she wouldn't live very long because she was so boney. Went to the vet who gave me Pancur 10% liq dog/cat gave her 0.25ml of it for three days and now 2 months on she is looking a lot better and nearly back to her original weight.
  7. When I got my new ones, I just popped them in and just supervised to make sure they were OK. Sometimes there is a little fight but they soon sort themselves out. I think it's sometimes easier to put them together not in the hutch, otherwise they are more likely to be possessive. When i separated my male before I got him 'done' I had to put him back with the girls rather than put the girls in his house as he was territorial of his hutch. If they are really small kits it may be best to keep them seperate until they are a little bigger.
  8. My ferret had worms. Took her to the vet as she was loosing weight but had a bulging belly and they told me that she prob had something wrong with her intestines and that ferrets can't get worms and told me that she prob would only have a few weeks left. Put a post on here about it and ferret100 suggested worms so I went on worm patrol and I did see some in her poo so took her to another vet and they gave me Pancur 10% liq dog/cat gave her 0.25ml of it for three days and now 2 months on she is looking a lot better and nearly back to her original weight.
  9. She could have had a phantom pregnancy, or eaten the babies if she was stressed. Both happen a lot, there are quite a few posts on here on both if you do a search.
  10. Hey, Would like to buy a ferret wheel off you, though tried to email you and it says you can't receive any new messages.Please send me PM with where to send the money to and I'll do it right away. Thanks, Lou

  11. Sorry to hear about your ferrets. Good luck for your others. Let us know how you get on.
  12. At one point I had major problem with Ticks. I cleaned everything out thoroughly. Sprayed with http://canineconcepts.co.uk/en/dog-kennels/3520-strikeback-hutch-and-kennel-protector-5065000941062.html Which you spray the whole hutch and leave for 5 hours for long protection. Removed all visible ticks with a tick remover http://www.chemistdirect.co.uk/o-tom-tick-remover_1_20339.html?utm_source=Google%2BProducts&utm_medium=Google%2BProducts&utm_campaign=Google%2BProducts Sprayed them all with front-line. Then cleaned out the hutch for several days after to get rid of any hidden ones
  13. The implant is meant to reduce the risk of adrenal disease. They can be quite costly and need replacing every 1.5- 2years.
  14. True, just expected one to be darker. I was just surprised that you could sell 'real' animals on ebay...though saying that someone tried selling their baby on there once. And my geography teacher used to always boast about selling one pound coins to people in other country's for lot of money, so I suppose anything goes!
  15. Just seems a bit mean, if it did belong to someone to then see it on ebay. So if someone ran over my cat they could then sell in on ebay for taxidermy without any rules or regulation?
  16. Saw this on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Frozen-Polecat-Ferret-/160836230105?pt=UK_Collectables_AnimalCollectables_SM&hash=item2572961bd9#ht_500wt_1287 Just thought it was a bit horrible. Could have been someone's pet doesn't look like a wild polecat. Plus didn't think you would be able to sell it on like that!?
  17. You can get your Jill spayed which cost's £40-£ And Hob neutered for £20-£50 These are all a one off thing which will mean they can be kept together all year round and you would never have to think about breeding/taking out of season again Otherwise you can get your hob vasectomised (which is tieing the tubes rather than cutting the balls off) which is more expensive but then you wouldn't have to get the Jills done but during April/May-September you would have to separate him from the Jills and only put him in with the Jills for a few days to take them out of season But he will scruff them
  18. I think the lady holds him up under the belly just to encourage movement. Not actually swimming around by himself.
  19. Some one on the Ferret life UK facebook page had a kit who had this problem diagnosed from a vet- she got bone builder and lactol which you can get from pets at home for it and making it swim a little to make it stronger and she keeps reporting back and apparently getting better so you might as well give it a go.
  20. a litter tray as if they will use it it makes it easier to clean out. And though that's great as a first hutch as they get older they will need more space and you could make a run and join the two up with a giant tube. better locks just to make sure no one tries to nick them. I've got a hasp lock of my lifting roof as it would be quite easy and quick to nip in and grab them. Those doors on the run section aren't very secure, I bought a massive pack of cable ties really cheap and secured the corners so it can't open- my hob pressed his head against the corner and made a hole big enough to get o
  21. I got my older Jill done, no probs at all. Kept her inside and away from the other ferrets for a few days just to allow things to heal but healed really well. I prefer the idea of getting them spayed than jill jabbing all the time. Pumping chemicals into them too much can't do them any good. Already Jill jabbed one of mine twice this year. Only reason not getting her spayed this year was that she was a bit on the small side at the time, and my friend who has got a falconry wants to breed from her next year to get some different blood into the stock as atm they are related. After that she too
  22. Father of one of my ferrets I met when picking up my hob as a Kit fell when he was a few weeks old and though it didn't effect his working ability, studding ability or the way he acted in a hutch, soon as he was placed in an open space or in the run the bang on his head caused him to run in circles constantly. So keep an eye on it- check for broken bones, and psychological issues. most ferrets are hardy, I'm sure it will be all right just keep watch over him.
  23. I bought Panacur 10% 10 ml Liquid Dog/Cat from the vets on prescription giving 0.25ml a day for fours days then treating them again in a months time to make sure all gone, doing all three of my ferrets just to make sure it goes completely. As two of my ferrets are under 800g it meant that I could not use the granules, malt paste, spot on or tablets so this was the only one they had at my vets suitable for my Jills. Worm was very small, white, looked like a tiny maggot, though defo not a maggot as poo patrol involved me waiting outside until she went so it was nice and fresh...Lovely!
  24. Mine have simple names- Maisie, Layla and George But I have some names ready for when i get some more- Hugo, Luna, Moon, Rufus, Belle, Mango, Marcus Really want to get two Whippets and call them Booby and Willy. I think it would be rather cute.
  25. Better than what I could do and I'm 21!...I got someone else to make mine for me .You can always upgrade it as you go along. Will be quite happy in the summer months as it starts getting colder you could add another tier on it which doesn't have the mesh across for a nice warm nesting box, then maybe open the bottom tier up a little maybe add the mesh on the sides as well to get a bit of daylight and air in, and later maybe make a run with tubes and toys in then link your hutch to the run. But good first go, well done. They will be ok in there while they are small if you only have a couple, y
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