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Everything posted by FUBAR

  1. By a mk2 do you mean a mk3 without a pin point knob ?
  2. You will find out when they are born !
  3. Be shure to say 'Thank you ' to your Grand dad
  4. Went out this afternoon with my grandson and managed to bolt 5 bunnies into pursnets but the most wierd thing happened whilst i have had a fox appear from a hole with a purse net on its head for the first time today my jllls managed to bolt a squirrel into a purse net. I thought it was a small rabbit to start with then it freed it's self and ran up a tree.What the heck was it doing down a burrow ? sorry no end of day photo.
  5. FUBAR


    Yes mate thats right Nantwich, not shure about the Derby course.
  6. FUBAR


    Hi , I am starting a ' Rapter Husbandry' course at Reaseheath college on Thursday and I just wonder if anybody else on here has done the same/or similar course ?
  7. Well done looks nice and symetrical
  8. : smelt worse humans :stinker:FV
  9. I have a sgc and put in for a fac last May they have cashed the cheque but not heard a dickie bird since. Did phone them at the beginning of December to be told that there is a backlog and be prepared to wait at least a couple of months. Pull your finger out WEST MERCIA please.
  10. Was out lastnight saw only 4 pigeons but plenty of crows, looking forward to next saturday.
  11. Unless I've misunderstood you I would start off by netting up quieter and stand down wind of the burrows while waiting for the ferrets to bolt the rabbits
  12. Suspecting foul play ,I heard that the police have picked up his wife for questioning and she's claiming 'That she's been framed'
  13. Dont want to be too perdantic but it started in September all the way over in shropshire 6 miles
  14. I had one of my hobs snipped last year Cost £35 he also offered me the option of having the material removed checked by a lab and then said I'll do it , He got out a microscope and prepared 2 slides and found sperm on both slides saved me £15 so I bought him a pint. so anybody in North Shropshire or South Cheshire I can recomend Steve Leonard as a suitable vet [Whitchurch].
  15. No I didn't notice the eye colour John but yes the brute was a solid chap. When it was first caught it was a dirty thing lousy with ticks & fleas, it would always hide in its sleeping box during the day and apparently was most active after dark. His first crosses were all very dark in colour very near coal dust colouring. It will be interesting to see if the second cross youngsters have a more stable temprement.
  16. Interested to read you account John Hubery as I have a friend in Derbyshire that had 2 hobs and a Jill wild polecat/ ferret crosses the Jill was not a good mother but did manage to foster 3 kits onto another Jill . The hobs worked well the first season but during the summer overnight turned into spitting thumb crunchers. He also gave up on the idea of incorporating wild blood into his working strain. The three kits 1 hob and 2 jills are still under his scrutiny.
  17. FUBAR

    My MATE

    Na but my dogs mate does
  18. Does this topic want pinning as it comes up pretty regular
  19. Well Done mate looks a nice bit of work.
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