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About weaselfeatures

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. yeah he wasn't done, but they gave me a voucher to get him done.
  2. just handle her loads mate, offer her your knuckle if she trys to bite just say no loud and firmly ( dont flick her nose it dont work) she will be tame as and used to you in no time. good luck
  3. gutted for you mate, propper shame. id be devoed if i lost one of mine
  4. finally after 3 months of being castrated my bew tarn has settled his bulling antics too be able to have a pal, took him down the local rescue to try him out with a few and he took to this little guy. a 6 month albino hob, the rspca picked him up abit worse for where in an old warehouse and took him the rescue, he's friendly enough still got to teach him his manners a little bit but he should fine. just glad me little pal has got some company.
  5. he has had his post opp and they said he was fine.
  6. nope bud don't have anys jills and he was castrated about three weeks ago so it can't be that. Its not an infection where his opp was either that's completely healed. So it must be his glands then?
  7. i know its the perfect opportunity to take the piss lads, but seriously ive noticed the last couple of days when ive had my hob out that their is a really strong bad odour coming from his rear end. I don't know of ant reason he might of had to spray. But if he did would the smell stick to him and if so do i have to wash him to get rid? Could it be his anal scent glands blocked? Appreciate you help as this is me first fert and aint got a clue meself thx weasel features
  8. mine was a [bANNED TEXT] bugger [bANNED TEXT] i first got him. But its all about how much time you put into em, an no don't flick their noses.
  9. do they make good pets? Have you got any pics?
  10. can you keep eu's together or are they solitary like in the wild?
  11. just thought id show you all my fert, his name is tarn and he is my first ferret and he's a propper cracker. wanna get him a friend as soon as his hormoans calm down abit after his castration. gonna get him workin too see how how he does.
  12. hi lads not had me fert long only got the one hob at the mo and wanna give him chance to do abit of work, problem is i aint never done it before and was wandering if their was anyone in the bham worc's area who wouldn't mind takin me out and showin me the basics? Thx lads weasel
  13. seen alot recently about european polecats they seem very pricey. Just wandered if anybody on ere had any, how they work and curious to see some pics if you got any. Thx lads weasel
  14. wanna give my fert a varried diet what meat can he be fed apart from the obvious rabbit meat? Thx lads weasel
  15. hiya lads new to the site had a quick look round looks crackin just thought id say hello to you all.
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