thanks for the lesson in bedlingtons i have a gun dog, a gud ( good ) one will find everytime ( every time ) mine does
saluki x bedligton whats the point i don't know mate i never said i wanted to breed any,
NO need to correct my spelling just because Ive hit a nerve You don't have to display an inordinate level of Shakespearean English to be right
"i would say hes a working bedlington and before any one asks NO i do not put him to ground" You can kid ya self all ye want pal but they WERE Bedlington TERRIER'S IE below ground or earth dogs Bred for gameness and working silent
They were crossed to greyhounds/whippets for this very gameness-how game does it hav to be to retrieve sommat you shot Get a gundog, a gud one o them will find "everytime".
Saluki x Bedlington???? What is the point? What are ye hopeing to achive- better than whats already out there?
Smart dog Working Beddy
Clue's in the name BEDLINTON TERRIER If ya want a saluki lurcher tried an tested lines or sume times a well bred saluki to a lurcher produces the goods
stick to the rabbiting baw i bet my full saluki got better feet then any colliex
A betting man eh..... Normally I'd take your money but alas I have given up betting for lent..... Think yourself lucky, you and your stragly toed cur.....
you scots are so funny i will have a bet mate easy money
Ok you win, my dogs feet have knocked up toes etc..... I wish they were photogenic like the saluki but alas no.... Good luck in the shows....
LOVE to go fishin with you Baw :kiss: The BITES you get!
An a 29" Deerhound/GH is?
No; and if you are refering to MY 29" Deer/Grey, she wasn't brought in to be an all rounder !
Just wabbits then
Ye, far more excitin to slip a couple o bull terriers on someat blinded by a feckin lamp
Joe, this is the runnin dog section, i dont now why you lot dont just hire the Colusium for a day ( or night )
Beltin run by the way
How you can say Deerhounds have better feet tthan saluki is beyond me They were/are bred to run the roughest of ground while Deerhouns died out with the infention of the gun for stalking and had to be re created using allsorts - the deerhound lurcher was good in the 70 but cant hold a candle to a good saluki lurcher on ANY ground
And nobody owns a single handed one of any note Ther supposted to hae wind etc name one Nice hounds best left in the 70's
was he better than sonia
if rooney could of gone to dancer they would of been premiership both good attacking dogs with wind
Beat your idol fair N sqare
Ye Whin, how is yer lampin comp goin? the mimi buses yer were putiin on for the entrants? the game yer were going to put in front of em? on every night slating the organiser Then went quite for a while and thoght we all forgot?
You are the ULTIMATE computer hunter A legend in yer own head, a tit to anyone wi half a brain
Not much experiance at Roe, was'nt me chosen quarry pre ban, but knew a fair few lads that ran em, they most ran saluki cross day time, no doubt a good deerhound cross would put up a good show though
AYY A DRAW Nil Nil and Nil again the next time owt an in bed wi depression
No agument wi ya mate but commin on here wi half a story and makin out ya dars some sort of top dug man????? leave it owy