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25 Good

About Davestone

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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    N.E Massive!
  1. tem boys comin ta england for years with same dugs chalkie calls them boys that never kill hares YOU GOT CHALKY ON BRAIN YOU PAL YOUR ALWAYS GOING ON ABOUT HIM CHORK THIS CHORK THAT ALL TIME HE IS NOT YOUR DAD ASWELL YOU KEEP GOING ON LIKE HE IS SOME TOP DOG MAN THATS WHAT YOU SAID LAST YEAR HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH Chalky top dug man his name in England is BILLY BLANK :laugh:
  2. Don't bother Whinge, no one is remotely interested in your inane ramblings
  3. helped out right he as'' by stabing um all in the back'' n slateing all there dogs as soon as thave walked away for him'' thats just for starters... iv bin in dog game since i was 12 am 55 now n i no n have met hundreds ov good lads witch r all still to this day good mates ov mine.. i herd about this guy long befour i came onto any hunting website'' by lads from al over north west.. that had run ins with him on websites'' hes the worst ov the worst'' n defo .. not to be trusted'' a lot ov people didnt take the advice about him... a lot ov people ''fecin'' do now ..... AT
  4. stunning , simply sunning! All the best for the season
  5. Karlsburg and pink talk shite after shite about matches and they've had nowt but shite for years and years fact! pm if you know different
  6. WHO SAID HE AS THE RIGHT NOT ME???What am saying the man as came on and said why he wont be running in it and that he run the winning if the winner wants simple as that, WOULD SAY THE ENGLISH COMP WOULD BE HARDER COMP THEN THE IRISH ONE WOULD IT NOT WITH BETTER DOGS AND BETTER GROUND???? Icey you do come out with some shit how would it be harder in the english comp and why would they have better dogs ?IMHO it will take a better alround dog to win the irish comp for these reasons.The dog is going to have to have speed number one because hes not going to have a fen infront of him to get th
  7. And would your daytime runner been capable of doing that many on the lamp Toby? I'd say more than likely not wouldn't you? Each to their own and all that Lad off here ( Smartdog) took 17 with his "daytime" runner on the lamp, That to was Sept, jacked in the day on winter hares No problem with night or day, you get "screamers" in both camps this time of year
  8. Tomo, you put a line bred dog out of Blue over a coursing bred bitch, endless stamina surely?
  9. It wer in a competition run by a lad called Mattew from Scotland, he organised it, put the land on ( big nights on big stubbles). Even mini buses on for competitors , but lots of game in front of the lads, yer had ta kill over 50 to get through yer round And that were wid dugs bred off Dave Slieght, field trial champs, tor of dartmoor and dugs imported from new mexico were this lad did alot of his runnin PISSED all over other comp's ever organised, cant wait fur the next wun
  10. Listen to that stupid bitch Jowell "this is Walthamstowe in NE London this is NOT Athens or any other Greek city" A truley talented and visionary MP...............NOT!
  11. Nick Clegg warned of riots if the Tories get re-elected - in April! http://www.(!64.56:886/l.php?u=http...&h=KAQDovH iS __________________
  12. Nice bag mate Did you run the dogs single?
  13. Ive a couple of questions, how good is the bitch? Is she takin regular 3/'s Is the sire a top class dog? Ive seen alot of saluki's and that bitch is a horrible example of the breed
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