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Everything posted by gss

  1. just back wi the dug was only 5mins fae the house and saw charlie next to a wee cottage right next to the road gave a couple o squeeks and in it came.mabey only 50yds away but ten yrds away from the hedge around the cottage .slipped her and away she went (was using an orange filter by the way)the fckng hing lay down dog nearly overshot up jumped charlie dog burlt round and the chase was on one turn and charlie dived into the hedge closley followd by the dog then they were out of site so i stopped and was listening for the contact .it never came .back she came but i notised that the securiy lig
  2. going oot for a wee shine .let yous know how a get on later. seeya
  3. how long should i waite before running the dog after a knock on the ankle
  4. awrite mate cant put pics up the now dono how yet ha ha just worked out how tae half work this bxxxxxd bu a will defo as soon as a can.
  5. thanks great site but me nd computers just diny go ths things a feckng maresaw ur profile me nd u ken some o the ame people wll if its the same man anyway
  6. awrite mate new at his computer hingy so hear a go.do u keep lurchers?[bANNED TEXT] type?
  7. what dogs you got mate
  8. awrite mate thanks 4 replying ittakes me a wee while tae work ths thng cos am a total ludite wi cmptrs do u keep lurchers and if so [bANNED TEXT] type
  9. welcome to THL good place to be for info
  10. is there anybdy on here fae scotland am new at ths nd looking tae have a wee blether
  11. awrite everywon just saying howdo
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