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About gravel

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. Do you have to remove the inner plastic ring to fit the doubler? as there's not a lot of thread showing.
  2. Does she work or is she still learning , whats she like with ferrets?
  3. Hi mate im not being funny but how come yu was selling him in April?
  4. 2 working Hobs Manchester, reason for sale.
  5. polecat hob for sale, Manchester, reason for sale.
  6. Bit of advice please a freind wanted his rifle chrono so i went round, the pellets he was using were bisley magnum heavy 21.4 grains , few shots through the chrono the calculations were the highest readings were 17.5 fps the lowest 16,25 fps , when doing the calculations with rws superdomes 14.5 grains the highest reading were 11.5 fps and the lowest readings were 11.2 fps, the point im making is that my rifles i have are all under 12 fps and im sure that if i used the bisley magnums the power would be alamingly higher, does he need to tune the gun down and if so, is it an easy job to do?
  7. Thanks mate, just seen it.
  8. 43 have tried 43 have FAILED!
  9. The more i watch robert guerrero the more im worrying for Floyd, this guy is gonna swarm all over him from the 1st bell to minimise Floyds skills, hes more of a danger than the Pacman, Hope im wrong.
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