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Everything posted by busman-pete

  1. Sound advice, i have just put an adapter and an HW100 silencer on my S410 TDR. makes the world of a difference. AA silencers are pooh in comparison
  2. hey look like they will solve my problem cheers mate
  3. have just bought an AA S410 TDR and tried to fit my NV550 digisight to it but the cartridge on the gun is too high scope fits my HW100 with no probs Is there a higher mount available for the digisight ? help please
  4. good advice dog magic exactly what i would have said. need a bullx for foxes so better to shoot em. am sure someone on the site would be happy for the permission to shoot ur charlies
  5. I have just mounted an NV550 digisight to my HW100TK and now have a problem fitting it into its case and gun bag Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas as to what gunbag will cope with the size of my setup?
  6. Hi mate ur other option is to fit NV550 digisight. It can be used day and night i use one and have no probs with it at all and is much cheaper than your other options at about a thousand pound
  7. beautifull bitch mate, if i had room i would have her, best of luck. hope u find her a the perfect new owner
  8. Thankyou all for your tips, the other lurcher is my girlfriends so i dont think she would be happy getting rid of him, he has great legs but not all that intelligent, and my dog is a tatty rough coat but really keen to work ( they say dogs are like their owners dont they ) I will try him on the slip this weekend and hopefully the rabbits will play game for him will let him take it at his own pace and will take my HW100 and pop a few myself if he doesnt get any. thanks again Great Forum
  9. Hi all , i am a newbie to the site. I own 2 lurchers, brothers of 8 months old both of which have had their first rabbit in the last couple of weeks. one in particular is really keen, i took him lamping the other night (his first time) he had a couple of good runs. is there any easy way to train them on the lamp or is it just a matter of time until it clicks. i am in no rush as he is only young. should i keep him on the lead when lamping? should i use a slip lead or is a rope through the D ring on his collar as good? any help would be much appreciated thanks Pete
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