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Everything posted by matt1e

  1. Me and a mate had a couple of hours to spare plus i needed to try me new bretta out so of we went to a field of rape we shoot over and pigeon have been flocking to it..... till yesterday the bloody birds had moved over to a neighboring farm where we cant shoot so we just had a walk round we found another little spot with a few birds feeding in ivy so set up near this and managed a few birds then had one last walk round no guns this time just walkin the dog and see whats about really and saw more woodcock than anything else oh yea well impressed with the bretta and nowhere near as heavy as the
  2. make a change lol the signs for snow are all there drying up nicley this side of east anglia and its bloody cold
  3. Best i keep quiet......... married a jarra lass she moved down hear for a bit of culture me thinks
  4. i'm a landscape gardener brilliant job rubbish pay but at least its outside and somwhere different most days trouble is i cant be arsed to do me own garden its like a bloody tip lol
  5. http://www.eveningstar.co.uk/news/ipswich_terror_swoop_hawk_grabs_kitten_1_723505
  6. have'nt seen any this year yet last year we had a few on a gelda rose they stripped the berries clear then buggered off
  7. we went out with the ferrets sunday for a couple of hours cause we had a bit of spare time before a few hours on the pigeons i wanted to try a little poley i got so picked a small eay ground we knew and within 10 mins we had 2 bunnies the little jill come out straight away no probs she even came to the call to the whisle i give each time i feed me ferrets anyway that was about it for the day just wish the pigeons would of played ball still good to out and about.
  8. Went pigeon shooting first time for while yesterday not the best day we ever had we struggled to pull the birds in when we did manage it i could'nt hit bugger all lol my mate cleaned the floor with me we only maneded to get 7 birds, the hi point of the day was me boy shot his first bird now he's hooked and selling up all his carp gear so he rekons at one point during the morning the birds were coming into us then all of a sudden verring off we thought they could see us but we changed nothing then we realised what it was ........ a bloody great lurcher wandering aboutbehind a bit of woodland be
  9. matt1e


    this ya mean lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og-b4iur-pg
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyHVQT8aIBM
  11. me dog lives in the house with us he's good as gold with the grandkids,we got 2 cats which he never bothers with but soon as we go out he chasnge's altogether he's only just coming up to 6 month old but he's keen as can be he had another rabbit only this morning soon as he got home he was back to his usual playfull soppy old self.
  12. the dramatic headline dont help "gunned down" http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1323496/The-Emperor-Exmoor-stag-shot-dead.html
  13. don't blame ya mate i would rather jake not of run as i personally feel he's a bit young just that he was off the lead and there apeard to nowt the the field and once he spotted the rabbit he was keen so we just let him go for it
  14. mate he's a bull greyhound x collie and he's only just coming up for 6 months
  15. Me and me boy took our little lurcher out for a stroll round a bit of permission we just aquired to see what it was like for a bit of ferreting next weekend,had a quick scan of one of the medows to make sure no other dogs people etc were about then decided to let jake of the lead (his training is coming on in leaps and bounds) got half way across the meadow and up jumps a bunny and jake was away zig zaging hot on its tail all of a sudden jake decided ehough was enough bunny made one right turn to many and that was it all over althogh i would of prefered him not to of run i was impressed he bou
  16. Rabbits are the only mammals in the world that can see behind themselves without having to rotate their head.
  17. out for walk this am really early bugger me it was cold ..... happy days

  18. "BIG UP YA CHEST REPRESNT THE WEST" pure class innit
  19. pair of otters for sure as for not traveling across land how do they get from place to place????? I seen a big dog otter in the middle of a field not to far from our house perhaps this was the exception to the rule but the will cross land if they have to
  20. the old dead rabbit trick always works on our little it of shoot also we found a dead weasle we put out to try and them old maggies loved it for a while( why was that?)now we cant get near them they see us coming miles away.
  21. matt1e

    80,s music..

    one from van morrison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=min5Wrw1eV4
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