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Everything posted by robo-christ

  1. I'm struggling to see your argument here............ You seem to think that killing all there birds would somehow stop the shooting of hares but what it would do would only highten the scale of the hatred that some have between keepers and lurchermen. What you would be better doing is poach, but poach quietly like proper old timers......show a bit of respect, not for the keeper but maybe for the land that you run. I dont see why saying you will kill all the birds will help you gain any respect or permission from landowners.. we need to let it be known to them,you kill all the hares tha
  2. I'm struggling to see your argument here............ You seem to think that killing all there birds would somehow stop the shooting of hares but what it would do would only highten the scale of the hatred that some have between keepers and lurchermen. What you would be better doing is poach, but poach quietly like proper old timers......show a bit of respect, not for the keeper but maybe for the land that you run. I dont see why saying you will kill all the birds will help you gain any respect or permission from landowners.. we need to let it be known to them,you kill all the hares tha
  3. there all to busy mincing about and drinking shandy.
  4. Not wanting to start an argument at all but if the dickhead element of the lurcher world didn't f**k it up for every one else then their wouldn't be a reason to shoot them most lads respect the land and its animals but you know as well as I that their is a small minority who just don't give a f**k and it's those lads as spoil it and force the landowners to act. im sure there are,though ive never personally associated with or even known anyone like that (who uses dogs anyway),how do you sift out the c**ts who just want to wreck the land? I dont know,but theres got to be another way t
  5. i respect them,they're dedicated hard working men. i wouldnt kill their birds to keep/sell,i'd leave them were they lay. i love the wild animals in the UK if more lads do this when the landowners/keepers shoot all the hares (not just small amounts for pest control) etc it will imo teach them not to. we need to speak their language,and that language is money,we can't pay to preserve these animals,so there needs to be some reason why they wont kill them all. give them a reason.
  6. bull mastiffs were never game bred,the closest to a game bred mastiff is the Tosa,which in turn gets regularly smashed by APBT's who are significantly less than half their size
  7. at night with no one around,i wouldnt rate any single unarmed persons chances against a committed powerful dog,let alone a kid. may as well be leaving anti-personnel land mines on the floor of a night.
  8. last i heard it was,stupid idea and dangerous imo
  9. i think if there are any here,why do we not find dead ones? sneaky when theyre alive but im sure they stink just as much as anything else when theyre dead.
  10. i probably shouldnt say this,but when i was 14 after years of being told no more dogs i just bought a pup while my old man was away with work. in the days my dad was away the pup grew on my mum and by the time my dad came back she was completely in love with it and convinced my dad to let us keep it. it did have to be re-homed when i joined the army 3 years later though. can you really say you'll guarantee to be there to look after that pup for the rest of its life? if not dont get one yet,just go out with your cousins as much as possible and be patient.
  11. All you f*****g moan about is keepers.....your the type of c**t thats got the "Them and Us" attitude.......f*****g annoying... Hares are wild, nobody forks out thousands of pounds for them like pheasants, so to say you would go around trying to "wipe out" the local pheasant population..........if thats your attitude and tried to ruin my business(thats what you are doing,FACT!!! i'd make f*****g sure it didnt happen again. I respect keepers,f*****g despise those toff c**ts they work for though,those hares that live on your land belong to us all if your trying to wipe them out to try an
  12. I think tea tree oil shampoo helps
  13. well try hanging any of my animals of a bridge,or setting my dog and fire,and ill show you how quick i would snatch thier lifes from them. I can completely understand that,i'd be the same,if i could find out who they were i'd hunt them down and kill them. but if the death penalty was brought back (it should be imo) it certainly shouldnt be applicable for animal cruelty,there are people who would put these acts in the same league as coursing or terrier work. imo we need less laws concerning animals,just a few decent well enforced ones.
  14. I dont know of anyone ever being caught,i'll pick it up if its in public,but if theres no bins for miles around its not coming with me. at least no one will stand in it.
  15. nothing you could do to an animal could justify taking a human life imo still a cruel act and the person responsible should have their name published so people know not to have anything to do with him/her/them.
  16. i'd put my family first,but if it was between me and someone elses kids getting on a raft i'd give up my place (i think) im a strapping young lad and would have as good a chance as anyone of surviving in the water. which really isnt saying much lol
  17. shooting hares dont sound very smart,if they shot all the hares where i mooch just to spite me, i'd leave the dog at home and try my best to wipe out the local pheasant population.
  18. robo-christ

    old one

    no matter how many times i watch that vid it always makes me laugh
  19. i dont think it would make a very noticeable difference as long as the dogs mature when you do it.
  20. the single best ive ever seen is dumb and dumber. its as funny now as when i was a kid
  21. Good man I was about to say above all I'm a Yorkshireman is it just North Yorkshire where everyone is permanently miserable then? goin out anywhere round here on the lash is like night of the living dead.
  22. Do you consider yourself to be British or English/Scottish/Welsh? ive never considered myself to be British always English. im not descended (for the last several generations at least) from any non English people. i dont care wtf it says on my passport either.
  23. if your feeding kibble i'd go for one between 24-30 % protein and at least 20% fat if the dog works regular that is
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