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Everything posted by robo-christ

  1. f**k them it's our right to hunt even if 77% of people are against it, 99.99999% of people could be against it for all i care,just because a majority of people don't like something doesnt mean they have the right to infringe our human right's.
  2. put it this way bull terrier breeds are amongst the most stable,tenacious and highly driven dogs about. they are as a rule good with people bad with dog's,if you work hard with the dog you can change this but that is their nature.
  3. what do you think then? is he just being paranoid or is he right?
  4. very nice bitch,do you think the mastiff blood in her will make her develop a lot slower than most lurcher's? i know some pure mastiffs often dont mentally mature until they're 3-4 years old.
  5. do you think one crossed with say a spaniel would work well/better than a pure?
  6. good post ive heard a few people say border collie's are good at bushing,im not sure i could live with a working bred one especially in the off season. anyone worked any collie x's (bushing)?
  7. just thought i'd ressurect this thread, to put the question another way; what would be your ideal bushing team?
  8. oh good the r.s.p.c.a saved the day again it must of been real then because they said so
  9. the fact is though that working 'bull terriers' are usually dog aggressive,thats the way it is and the way it should be.
  10. lol you were joking when you said a russel would pummel a rotti werent you?
  11. im genuinely shocked anyone with any interest in or knowledge of dog's could say something so f@cking retarded.
  12. what if buy a bitch and she doesnt make the grade? would you still breed her? im sure if you put the word out you could find someone with a working bitch to put your do to.
  13. i wrote in another thread that i used to take my old staff out to a very dense and overgrown wood,my lurcher and my mate's terrier did'nt get a sniff, wheras my staff brought down quite a few there because he'd happily smash through the cover. useless anywhere else though.
  14. been a couple of threads about best bushing terriers and best lurcher's but what do you think is the best combination (in general obviously)? i have barely any experience in using any dog's other than lurcher's but i would have thought a good team would be a fast collie blooded lurcher and a ess. what do you all think?
  15. I went to visit a relative's grave early today and on my way through the cemetery noticed a man kneeling behind a tombstone. 'Morning,' I said. 'No,' he replied, 'just having a shit.'

  16. do you genuinely think this was not a set up by animal rights group? no be because they wouldnt cause suffering to animals to prove a point .... that hare suffered a hell of a lot more than that pup. they are not above it,to me it looks obvious,all far too perfect,but believe what you want
  17. i think the rspca filmed this to make themselves look necessary and important and of course to paint the average lurcher owner in a bad light. more of their propaganda, they've done it before and im sure they'll do it again,by bringing attention to it your playing into their hand's. jmo
  18. thanks for all the advice,i think i may be ok for the dogs after speaking to my old man. and thanks for the offers im not really one to take help even off people i know well,but it's good to know there's good people about. my family live in formby in merseyside,but my ex is from north yorkshire. and as for what do i do for a living,got out of the army in april and took the first job i could get,which happend to be a paki shop. so at least i can quit that now.
  19. tbh i'll probably have spend some time staying with family and i don't know how to ask them if i can bring 2 big smelly hairy lurchers along with me lol. maybe if i just give them a few extra quid. a loan would be ideal if i knew anyone who needs a loan and who i'd trust with them. thanks for the suggestion's
  20. im splitting up with the missus,problem is i have maybe 2 grand in the bank and when i move out of here i'll be moving far away nearer to my family (couldnt afford to rent around here even if i wanted) so wont be able to keep my job and im not sure i'll be able to provide for myself. now that in itself is'nt the problem the problem is i have 2 lurchers who the now ex says cannot stay with her until im sorted,they're not going to be re-homed to anyone i dont know and i dont know anyone who cant take them,ideally i want to keep them but i dont know how it would be possible.anyone been throug
  21. is this possible with an adult dog who's retreived quite a few himself? the reason i ask is because ive got a bit of permission (which is/soon going to be the only possible way to run a dog round here)now with a mate but can't take my dog there of a day time because theres a lot about. the dogs collie/grey/whippet.
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