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Everything posted by robo-christ

  1. so if Einstein had a dog it could do long division,whereas Wayne Rooney could have the best bred trial winning border collie but because he owns it,it'll get confused walking up stairs? a good owner can get the best out of a dog but you can't change the intangibles.
  2. we should'nt have to pay anything towards the royal family though,if that means they can't live in their palace GOOD open it up to the public, imo that would attract more tourism anyway. whats the point of the monarchy these days anyway?
  3. why did you have to get rid of the last dog? is there a chance you'll have to get rid of this one? and lurcher x lurcher
  4. funnily enough when i worked in a kennel that had a lot of retired greyhounds staying at one time or another i did notice they had very consistent habit's e.g eat half their food have a piss eat the rest then go and have a shit etc they really were like clockwork , they were mainly retired racers so i put it down to them having had some similar routines as racers.
  5. youve jumped in at the deep end gettin 2 mate when youve never had a lurcher before,good luck with them though sounds like it would be a good cross for what you want.
  6. ignore what everyone else is saying,go in the day light,they won't expect it then.
  7. and if there is,is it just a matter of time until they get that way? posting because although i'd never ever support any animal charity i heard the dogs trust was a decent one,but on a post earlier apparently they too condemned that john lewis advert for having a dog outside.
  8. he's asking the opinion of strangers on the internet,im sure he's not hanging on every word or going to entirely base any decision on the replies he got/gets.
  9. so should i just buy every breed i listed then? and im far, far from an expert. again just to clarify,you are a tit.
  10. thats a bit of a stupid f*****g reply to a reasonable question wasnt it? some breeds im curious about are: american bandog's pure saluki's wolf hybrids working sled dog's working collies belgian malinois i could go on. should i just get one of all of the above breeds without asking any questions? just 'buy one and find out'? tit.
  11. actually i cant tell barrymore is gay by how he acts so he's ok by me,i think 'camp' is the word i was looking for.
  12. im not anti-gay but if i can tell your gay by how you look, act or speak,you need to die very slowly. so thats gok wan,paul o'grady and dale winton just for starters.
  13. if they are theyve got a lot to learn, theyre not nearly inexplicably angry/depressed enough and the dreaded ginger gene hasnt taken hold of them to anywhere near such a degree. they are a bunch of piss heads though,so keep tryin lad's
  14. i really hope your right wirral but the pigs have quotas to meet,and if there is an easy way for them to make them they will take it,and poaching is one of those things that a minority feel strongly enough about for them to make some statistics up on. but like i said hope your right
  15. i wish that was true wirral countryman,but i think seeing as more and more bunny huggers are popping up and most poachers are relatively easy to catch the filth will use them to reach there quotas and make it look as if they are actually doing something,easier than catching real criminals.
  16. i'd say if you have a good proven staff breed it to another good proven staff if you can,shit staffs are common but good ones are rare. people should just pts shit useless dogs,no pet homes just a green needle,we'd have a lot less shit then in all working breeds.
  17. easier to manage way for the dogs to live less frustrating for them if i can't let them out for a few hour's (i.e in work) ive done both and for me chaining is much better for the dog's ive had in the past,whether it will be better for my lurchers is yet to be seen.
  18. exactly,other than your dogs being more visible it's all round just a better setup imo not that theres anything wrong with kenneling. not to say kenneling's not safe but if my dog's see anything outside (a cat for example) they chew the wire and crash around in there kennel's whereas on chainspot they may bark and strain on their chain but wont hurt themselves or damage anything.
  19. 1)unless your a f****n idiot and dont build it properly the dog cannot hang itself 2) nothing more to add there lol 3)they wont move onto them until next summer,be a bit pointless making them now wouldnt it? the question really is to people who have tried it;are your lurchers robust enough to live like this?
  20. you are right,although i think if they had of been made to integrate rather than allowing for a 'multi-cultural' society we would have better more united britain. so by allowing for different cultures to come and effectively make us 2nd class citizens they have bred a lot of animosity and divided us,and when we're divided we're easily beaten.
  21. what good can come of starting it this early? nothing. what bad can come of it?you could wreck your pup. just be patient.
  22. any more experiences with doing this?
  23. i for one was surprised that margo got beat like he did. did you see the way he trained for the fight?
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