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Everything posted by robo-christ

  1. ceaser milan pitbulls kick off ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64peeoPygGU&feature=related lol flap, why did he have two powerful and aggressive dogs off lead together? why werent they muzzled? why didn't he have a break stick? let him stick to the am.bullies and rottweilers
  2. I want to get some new kennels,what would you all suggest? im no handy man so making from scratch will mean getting some help in. are there any good ready made or easily assembled ones that are durable and reasonably priced that anyone can recommend?
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10166217
  4. alfie and mouse are the lurchers and bricktop's the staff
  5. thats a brave lady good to see she didnt get hurt herself,i couldnt give a f**k less about big business, wouldnt even go out of my way to give a statement to the police if i didnt have to.
  6. i do of course understand the best money will bring the best talent, when does the team cease to be your team? if it had no English would you still support it? lots of people seem to only follow football for the rivalry,but the rivalry isnt really between 2 different areas,its between 2 logos/brands. how does it represent YOU? i'd want any team full of English men to beat my 'local' team which probably has about 2-5 English in it.
  7. its up to you mate,i think a walking stick would be ok,you can just say you hav bad knees/back. what ever you do stay safe.
  8. That link you put up means feck all.......as you admitted you know nothing about football. Aquilani ,Torres and Babel don't play for Liverpool anymore.....that link is useless.....Liverpools 4 main midfielders lol not trying to hurt any feelings here boys so most premier league sides only hire local lads? no,it's more a case of,'the spicks,germans,dutch and africans in red are better than the norwegians,australians,austal-asians and aboriginies in blue,because they wear a shirt that mentions my town/city' imo of course lol my whole families fanatic about football it j
  9. whats to say the dog wont grab his bollocks/leg? improvise mate do you ever carry a spare of socks? i do just in case. i also collect big stones when im on dog walks,to add to my collection at home. if you reach in your pocket when it attacks and the stones fallen into sock,i think swinging that to save your dog would constitute reasonable force. as sad as it sounds the dogs better off going for you dog than you,you can help protect your dog but its unlikely to be able to help you in any meaningful way.
  10. i wouldnt advise letting some 'nasty' dog have a go at it,wont help anyone and will just lead to a big vets bill (on both sides) keep your dog on lead and take a good strong walking stick (if its a bit pointy at the end so be it) and or some strong peppery deodorant
  11. 9 foreigners 3 english (2 from liverpool) by my count,so not that local http://hubpages.com/hub/Liverpool-FC-Players-20102011 nothing against the sport,definately not 'slaggin it' like you said to each their own,its just strange how a lot of the fans i know genuinely seem to hate other teams even though their own team is just a bunch of foreigners. i know im a minority here btw
  12. i dont like football i dont just say that to be different lol its boring to me i could understand if you supported a local team of local lads but except for the lower level teams that isnt the case
  13. anyone else not get it? seems a lot of the fans dont really even care about the sport just 'their' team. never followed it myself so i maybe just ignorant.
  14. my bird told me it was just on the news that Roger moore had died
  15. i think they'd become a menace pretty quickly if allowed to breed in the wild,like smarter more adaptable foxes.
  16. i wonder if they could live wild in Britain?
  17. i have never seen a 'traveler' camp site that wasnt a shit hole or known of a single 'traveler' who i as an English man should respect. so is it any wonder you lot get called pie-keys,and generally looked down upon?
  18. we could gain something from a small amount of immigration,for example in trades we are lacking in or through people who have served in the army/marines/RAF regiment. i'd happily accept any foreigner who has served his time as British,but they seem to be the most likely ones to be deported.
  19. good to see the travelers here trying hard to change the public's perception of them. we should let them live how ever they want,but without any of the things they dont pay towards (the nhs,fire service,roads etc)
  20. thats shocking,ive never seen a dog in such bad nick with my own eyes,i hope she comes round,did you have to pay for her?
  21. there are differences but they seem to be mainly regional rather than actually north/south. like the birds in Essex and New Castle are all slags. the posh people both sides are mainly still c*nts. and Dumbrians are the missing link between man and ape
  22. i'd go for a bandog,never seen an actual line bred one work,but it would make sense that they would be better. swinford bandogs were and are tested hard
  23. From the vids ive seen its about 2/3 the bulldog wins. thats discounting the dogs that clearly arent APBT you've also got to bare in mind countries will always want their breed to win,and these matches never happen in america. anyway lets not hijack the thread.
  24. How about replacing the word " naughty " with the word " different "...... From what im told a good German Shepherd or Rott are as good as it gets.......but i guess folk fall for the grass is always greener mentality....and of course the fashion factor comes into play with most " big nasty dog owners "....and German Shepherd/Rotts are just not fashionable enough these days. im no expert but i can tell you shepards are the best dog for chasing 1 person down and holding them until back up gets there,also they fit nicely in a vehicle,rottweilers are as easy going a sentry dog as you'l
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