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Everything posted by B-J

  1. very good dvd well worth the money
  2. iv got a tuco x nancey pup she 10 month old had about 30 rabbits and she run 2 hairs today think she will make some think run like a sesend dog but dident know what to do at fen dkyes or shed of killed both woud like to grt her owt 1 more time and get a kill into her then put her away till stubble and think the white pup a topper good loock with it
  3. dam is barney x jims bell sis to rosie and ready.
  4. they f***ing cowards that's what they are they allways gety tuck on a satday night I had 6 cockers stolen was a satday night I know running addictions dad and his was a satday night now this lads there be some one knows more then they letting I hope the horrible b*****ds are fownd hanging
  5. haha carent say nowt back the way my pup run today a toy poddle coud dun better.
  6. chad Dawson and Andre ward fight was at super mid weight last fight not light heavy young sank chad was weight drained but still did shit and andres Stevenson woud be a good fight for sergey kovalev both very heavy handed he finished dawson in 1 round think he woud also give ward a good fight.
  7. enyone no eny good places for mackerel fishing north east never been before just want some for me freezer for me dogs
  8. had me 6 of me cocker spanials pinched last night from coundon just owtside bishop Auckland left me coursing breed dogs and tuck them bit of a long shoot but if enyone hears owt reward for info..
  9. il bye them all if u get messed about.
  10. my dad has 2 dogs down from j.t stuff big strong dogs they getting on a bit now lads but woud still be allright if enyone wanted a bitch linning to keep the line going
  11. me pal got a black bitch to seell nice bitch senble money and can do its job and hes in north east do u want hes number..
  12. i have a little bitch breed owt of brother to s.v bitch. joe tompson ruff dog to a pure saluki she the best young bitch iv ever had got its brother aswell big ruff haird dog just carent seem to get waight on him think them bulldozer x posh ones will be verry chancey the 3 pics i put up a page or 2 back the fetherd bitch that the one owt joe ruff dog to the saluki..
  13. nice dog loftyslad seen its brother run s.v fluff one the best dogs iv seen run whats he like [bANNED TEXT].
  14. they owt tropper lines mate that goes back to tina turner x ghost and double foxy x deacon aswell lot the old charlie breeding in aswell.
  15. white dog is father to little bitch in front of him and he owt of tropper to a bitch k.t breed owt of bill to a bitch owt of caspers sister to popeye..
  16. he grandson to tropper. the white dog in bottom pic owt of tropper and he father to dog in first pic n8. .
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