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Big red 1990

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Everything posted by Big red 1990

  1. Arguing on a bull x page don't be ridiculous hahaha
  2. I would slip my dog because he's a big strong game dog............ And while the lions eating him I will escape lmao
  3. If your into rock music then rock city is a decent place to end up. Flares is good for a laugh and to chuck some shapes out to 70s music
  4. If your going out drinking early pal the water fronts always a good place to go
  5. We've got 9 dogs 5 horses a few chickens and pigeons 5 ferrits a goat and a hamster
  6. Sorry to hear that Big red, we like to see the racers around us.................. ..........they keep the peregrines off the grouse :D ps. dont have another rant, I couldnt resist it! Hahaha no more ranting
  7. If my birds looked like that I'd shoot them
  8. Ive not actually its my first season so I've not got that many
  9. could it of been mistaken for a feral? could it of been a simple accident say few birds coming in , one just happens to be your racer and got caught with a bit of shot ? Yeah mate but at the time I just got angry and had to have a rant on here to make me feel better hahaha.
  10. One of my racers has come back today after being shot. Some proper wankers out there. And before you start no not everyone with a gun is a idiot just that twats who shoot racing pigeons. Rant over.
  11. If that don't get him laid nothing will.
  12. I have no idea about mine except for the 1990 part (year i was born) I'm not big and I haven't got red hair haha
  13. how the hell can i tell ya when he going to be champ? who's price fought that makes him so great? Fury vs McDermott ended in a 12thround decision Price vs McDermott ended 1st round KO to price and? price needs a big fight to put him on the map. It's quite simple really furry had his hands full with the fat waster. Price had a easy night of it fury on the way up, only 24, price needs big fights at 30, cant fight in liverpool forever All I can say is I'd sooner fight furry then price lol regardless of age or were the fight is. both big guys, will take some stoppin
  14. how the hell can i tell ya when he going to be champ? who's price fought that makes him so great? Fury vs McDermott ended in a 12thround decision Price vs McDermott ended 1st round KO to price and? price needs a big fight to put him on the map. It's quite simple really furry had his hands full with the fat waster. Price had a easy night of it fury on the way up, only 24, price needs big fights at 30, cant fight in liverpool forever All I can say is I'd sooner fight furry then price lol regardless of age or were the fight is.
  15. how the hell can i tell ya when he going to be champ? who's price fought that makes him so great? Fury vs McDermott ended in a 12thround decision Price vs McDermott ended 1st round KO to price and? price needs a big fight to put him on the map. It's quite simple really furry had his hands full with the fat waster. Price had a easy night of it
  16. how the hell can i tell ya when he going to be champ? who's price fought that makes him so great? Fury vs McDermott ended in a 12thround decision Price vs McDermott ended 1st round KO to price
  17. you need to keep things in perspective You wouldn't say that if u saw my misses. Sometimes I take her out lamping instead of my bullx hahaha
  18. I'd give my left bollock and the misses for permission like that.
  19. Oh dear that's 5 mins of my life I'll never get back
  20. My opinion is people should be allowed to do what they want Aslong as it doesn't affect other people. If someone works all week and buys some weed to smoke and chill out on a weekend fair enough he's not hurting anybody but if some dole lite smack head breaks into a old couples house to steal a telly for his fix they should just be burnt or drowned.
  21. Sorry to hear that mate I'm gutted for you. Chin up and all the best for the future and I hope you will get back into it
  22. I know he's not a lurcher but I fort yous might find it funny I've got a german shephard cross a big strong dog he's caught a few rabbits anyway I've just started a new job as a security guard and im allowed to take a dog so I take the german shephard cross and on one of my patrols he goes into some bushes I forght hed found someone who had broke in then I couldn't believe my eyes when he flushed a fox out I was fairly chuffed until the fox bit him and my dog crapped his self. Hopefully he won't be as crap if a bloke breaks in haha thanks for reading atb.
  23. Have you never watched misery?
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