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PUP lurcher

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Everything posted by PUP lurcher

  1. best thing is, there's still 8 days to go, muppets!
  2. like you said mate its fusteration, I think its because the other dog is simlpy to quick for the young pup yet when chasing. I'v heard of a young pup whining when chasing a rabbit or hare to young, so think that what is mate atb
  3. take it out rats first just to see if its got the killer instinct, then you'll know as for fox don't rush it, take out with an experienced dog first and let it watch, don't rush it. But in my opinion at 17week just let it enjoy being a pup mate, there's know rush. ATB mate.
  4. this was local round our town, there's not many left because of people like that. We use them to train up up the terrier pups, before we thake them on permission.
  5. well done lad read some of your posts this season, sounds like you've had a good one. Good to here you let vixen go, spoke to a lad round my neck of the woods, bragging he had a vixen in cub felt like ripping his teeth out atb give them terriers a rest.
  6. Great voice, shame she spoild it by putting crack into her system.
  7. remember ben if you put time, effot, love into a dog you get results
  8. im with you on that one rabbit hunter cause the look like b nuttals dog to me that pic is in one of his books yeah like i said, i like the picture
  9. dogs baying at scent pal then, or their was more than 1 hole, and the little ginger one bolted. Just keep trying pal you learn more a more about your dog everytime you go out.
  10. If your wee dog hasnt done much there may well be one in there, being mid tube I would say things could have been getting tight for the dog and hes just not keen on pushing on through the tight part. All we can all do is guess though so best thing you could do is next time sit back and give your dog plenty of time. When trying holes with him dont make any fuss at all over it(Dont egg him on). Have you dug him before with a fox infront of him? think he's digging to soon aswell
  11. To the one's i up set, i APOLOGIZE im a good lad really.
  12. or way not just take it out more like eny normal person??? and or take an experionsed dog along with you?? you sound like a right tit making comments like that mate jmo atb fm none of you know me its my sense of humor, some of you might think its sick, but thats me. Yeah your right the dog inexperiened take one that know's whats its doin
  13. yeah everything has been plain sailing my terriers are good dogs they do there job and do it well, no compliants from me. And for me not knowing what to do, i dug me 1st fox when i was 13, thats 10years ago if you could'nt work out the math.
  14. this has work for me in the past. when out with your dog just on the casual walk, dog of the lead. Keep calling the dog back now and again, then mack a fuss/praise the dog when it re-calls and after time the dog will learn, when you call it just to come back. Its still a pup yet keep spending time with it and it will learn. Its just keen thats all. atb with the dog.
  15. don't eat salt n vinegar chrips then scratch you ichy eye.

  16. I was thinking more of a hairy pussy
  17. cheers malt im useless on computers and guide really helps. atb
  18. How do i do that? Me and technolagy don't get on , give me a spade and im happy all-day
  19. PUP lurcher


    Why is it when i try and upload pictures it say's file to big. What am i doing wrong or is there a way round it.
  20. Just spend as much time with her as u can. I've just got a new bitch 18month old and iv found when out walking and she off the lead, just keep calling her name and praise her and make a fuss of her when she calls back to you. Its Working for me gonna try her on lamp tonight. ATB
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