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PUP lurcher

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Everything posted by PUP lurcher

  1. never seen that befor, thats a new one for me. Get back to the vets and give them fcuk, WANKERS. Hope you get it sorted mate ATB.
  2. I'm an Alcoholic, and im gonna have another

    1. tb25


      man after my own heart lol,enjoy

    2. paulus
  3. alrite mate i'd say about 3 miles a day road work, for about a month. Then every weekend take her out on lamp just to bring her back up match fit. how comes your starting a veteran and not bringing up some new blood. atb
  4. need to clean out and walk the mutts, then sit back in my lazy boy a watch the cup final. c' mon you reads.

    1. PUP lurcher

      PUP lurcher

      with stella on tap.

    2. R. Docks

      R. Docks

      What is a 'Read' ??

  5. i will give it a loving home, my dogs are great with cats
  6. is that for real or is someone on a wind up mission.
  7. aye two's that but if she EVER and i mean EVER droped crumbs in MY bed, she would have to get the hoover out
  8. ME: what do you want for your tea princess. DAUGHTER (age 3) Do i like botherrd just make me something. Classic.

    1. Lab


      Thats where i would have went skidding along the floor backwards if i ever dare say that!!

  9. i would eat her shit You Dirty man i can taste it now whole nut I like whole nut it could be sweetcorn not nuts pick it out your teeth and try again.
  10. i would eat her shit You Dirty man i can taste it now whole nut I like whole nut
  11. Fair play mate, their for another day
  12. great pics mate, did you not set dogs on fox?
  13. i would eat her shit You Dirty man
  14. i'd double up with ya and give it the best 20seconds of its life
  15. If i had to choose lads i'd rather have this sexy fox http://youtu.be/5sO59ZVO2-g
  16. Cracking write up buddy, some great pics aswell. Keep up the good work ATB
  17. Why not go straight to the kid and have it out with him, instead of whinging to the THL
  18. some peeps just dont give a fook about others. atb mate
  19. WHAT!!!! That kids gonna have four eyes, six legs, twelve arms and two heads. MADNESS!
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