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PUP lurcher

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Everything posted by PUP lurcher

  1. As above double terrier box wanted, PM me if any of you have any for sale Cheers.
  2. And the alocholic dole dosser homless ones, from the hard working. dole dossers its £150 a can wee bit extrem mate £150 a can more fool you :D Did'ent mean out by it, its what they drink were im from. you can tell when they've been paid of the dole because they drink special brew, and rest of the week its shite lighting. (white cider)
  3. the suns out here now with a strong wind to follow, lost a fence in back garden
  4. And the alocholic dole dosser homless ones, from the hard working.
  5. Nope just rain here in lancashire
  6. it's piss water don't like it, STELLA now thats a man's drink if you can handle it!!!!
  7. might give it a go, why not for that price.
  8. How long have you fed it to your dogs? What are thier stools like? ATB
  9. add some pineapple juice to there feed possibly a little lead in the b*****ds head more like i got a warning point for joking around like that.
  10. For a workhorse and for the dogs not a bad van, but you can never beat the ford transit.
  11. think my patterdale has ate a mixter of wood and that stuff from inside a duvet. She keeps gagging and wanting to be sick, like spit flem come up and sometimes its a greeny colour. Just woundering if she will be ok, in a few days or should i take the exspensive trip to the vets. atb
  12. Whats the point point of what? just think you,re banging your head of a brickwall mate, if you,re not happy get out i know buddy but easier said than done atb
  13. jesus kid,, 3 kids at 23,,,,, you not hurd of contraspetion..... you cant live your life like that ,, if you dont love her you got to leave,, its not fair on the both of ya...... respect to ya though for all your hard work putting money on the table cheers mate, but i'v got alot to loose and nothing to gain, i made my bed so im lying in it. atb
  14. Whats the point point of what?
  15. Im 23 with 3 kids living with someone who i can't stand being near, i want to leave but its complicated 1, miss me kids. 2, nowere to put dogs. 3, not actully got the funds to go. I have got a good job work 50 hours a week to support my family but its never good enough for the woman. I hate her. The dogs are the only thing that keeps me saine. atb
  16. just picked up some ne permo today, go tomorrow for a look round.

  17. stop guessing he all ready told us.
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