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About mattanddigger

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. my jrt x staff is now 18months and want to start ratting, im new to ratting and could do with some help and advice anything would be great. hes caught a few furrys already hes had one rabbit a few squirells and the odd feild mouse but its just few and far between and want to start propperlly hes super fit he has a good run in the morning and take him jogging at night. thanks
  2. thanks, i was out today and went past a few streams that are near a few farms, ill have a look there. is there a good time of the day or is it just look when there out?
  3. hi, iv had my jrt x staff for about a year now and hes had the odd squirell and rat and a few feild mice but i wont to start working him properly any ideas? i would like to start him rating but not to sure really were the best places are for them iv seen the odd when but thats it. iv been keeping him as fit as i can hes super lean and very quick and will run for a good while hes also been on a raw diet aswell for the last four months too, any help would great thanks.
  4. iv got a jack russel cross staff hes 10months and i think thers a bit if whippet in somewhere along the line, hes very game and very fit. going out tomorrow got my 1st permission its for rats but its a start itl be both of our 1st outings as im a newbie. so any tips or help would be greatfull. and this might sound bit stupid but can my dog catch anything of the rats?
  5. thanks for the reply, thats what im struggling with to, iv benn lookin round where i live in the feilds and farm land and all i can find is foxes and iv seen 1 rabbit he did chase it and gained on it then lost it in some long grass, he also tracks the foxes but can never find them is this just in expiernce?
  6. hi, im a newbie and im lookin for some help, i have a jack russel x staff and i think thers a bit of whippet in there to, he has a very high prey drive and is very fit i try to keep him lean as i can. hes coming up to 10months now and hes had a few squirells when wev bin walking but thats it. i want to start working properly on rabbits or rats any ideas thanks
  7. iv never had aworking breed really, my mum n dad had a staff when i was young was a good dog was around from when i can remember did a bit of work on a few farms were they had to terriers they used them for ratting went along a few times and loved it, and then i got my own place with the misses and we got her a bulldog, thats it and now iv got digger. i just need help with what places will i find alot of rabbits and any tips on working him thanks
  8. hi im new to the hunting life, i hav a jack ruseel whippet cross and im lookin to work him on rabbits, any help would great thanks.
  9. im new to this and need some good places to lamp im around manchester area more towards saddleworth, any help?
  10. Thanks for the advice any help is great, his recall is great he never fails to come back. i no its a good time of year now for lamping just wonderd what time at night you think is best, and any tips would be great thanks
  11. hi, im new to all this iv always wanted a dog i could work and finally think iv got one, hes a mix of jack russel and whippet hes extreamly quick for his size. Recently hes been chasing everything he can squirels are his favourite at the moment. when chasing them he gains on them all the time its just they can climb trees and get away. i would love him to be able to have a go at rabbits as i feel he is quick enough and i love watching him work, i just need some advice or any ideas thanks hope i hear from someone soon. il try and add some photos of him soon.
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