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Everything posted by hughesrobert13

  1. bsa meteor 22 in pretty good nick i had it as part of a deal but i am now getting rid of everything. i have never used the gun it comes with a simmons 3x9x40 scope please pm me if you have any questions
  2. hi i have sold all my rifles and now i am selling everything else selling my divers bottle. it is in test for a few years not sure how many it is stamped 2009. it comes with a moe regulator with built in gauge and also comes with two hoses its a 7 litre 232 bar any questions please pm me 135 quid
  3. hi mate when i receive the dvd from jf1970 i will be making some copies you are more than welcome to one if you like. and dai theres some fools on here but alot of nice people aswell.
  4. be nice to meet up im always willing to make new friends. and i like to help people out aswell it works both ways i may need a favour aswell one day. i know there are some idiots out there but i choose to just leave them there and take no notice they are not worth the bother. and i think the forum is great there is so much stuff on here it will take me years to read it all
  5. thanks mate a few people said she is nice now. that whippet you had was a lovely looking dog aswell. i will take care of the dvd i will get some copys made and then perahps i could pass them on to other people
  6. Dont suppose it was the little white and brindle patched bitch? yes mate it was thats my pup il put some pics up i have taken him up on the dvd and hopefully it will help me out alot. he is a nice guy and i cant thank him enough.
  7. i have wanted a lurcher for a long time but never wanted all the hard work that comes with it. so i finally decided to pull my finger out and get on with it. il be doing abit of everything with her but it will be mainly lamping. the breeding i dont really know much about but have been told shes got good breeding by a few people. i am really looking forward to getting her working but i dont want to rush. i will try and get the complete lurcher book. no problem steve i didnt really help myself the way i put things i do love my dogs and they have the best i can give them. i do know how to look af
  8. thanks stewie i will be doing as much as i can with her. hopefully i will be as happy as you say i took her to a terrier and lurcher show today and lots of people said that she was a nice dog. i will be taking her ferreting with me and my jack russelxstaff keeping her on the lead while she is young just so she gets used to everything and when she is older i will do as much as i can and keep her fit aswell thanks rob
  9. thanks for those of you who have helped to everyone else i know how to feed and look after a dog as i have two other dogs that are very fit and healthy. i am not the type of person to give up on a dog i know i will only get out what i put into her. and i just want the best for her. to be honest some of my friends dont deserve dogs because i dont feel as though they look after them well enough that is why i am asking questions. i did learn some things from them but not a great deal so thats why i want to learn more. i dont want to ruin her so i want to know as much as i can. right shes 4 month
  10. hi all lots of my friends have had lurchers and i have always been out with them but i have never owned one. i have just bought my 1st lurcher and would like to know as much as i can about them. how you feed, walk, train pretty much eerything i need to know to get the best out of my bitch hope to here from you all soon
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