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Everything posted by ryan666

  1. well meet up with my mate daz(whirlywizz from airarms owners forum) for some rabbit hunting on the sony NV me with my trusty rapid 7 and daz with his custom S410.
  2. well meet up with my mate daz(whirlywizz from airarms owners forum) for some rabbit hunting on the sony NV me with my trusty rapid 7 and daz with his custom S410.
  3. is it misty/raining there? if so make sure you got it on right setting,i have one and its fine apart from if its misty but you do need to have them on the right setting
  4. ok guys the right video has now been uploaded lol dont forget to give it a thumbs up guys
  5. sorry guys i uploaded the wrong one,i have been out and got fotage to show how good it is so give me 10 minutes and ill have the right one uploaded lol
  6. links in the discription of the video...but here it is http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180673169721&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:GB:1123#ht_500wt_1054 you can buy a sheet or ask them to cut to size
  7. im not,running it from the truck at moment,will get one before summer gets here but for now its warmer in the truck
  8. got it for £35 so £40 with delivery http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320672399930#ht_3184wt_1037
  9. well got the new lamp and the ir filter today so had to go try it out before tomorrow nights ratting season,must say im well happy with the results and will be even better when i have the new scope with AO,was having fun right upto the point Mr.Fox ran right into the back of my leags and made me drop a logger !!!! well heres the footage for you guys correct link added
  10. that lamp is this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320672399930#ht_3184wt_1037 just got mine the other day,may be worth giving them a shout for the mount your missing
  11. you read my mind si lol i got the company to cut to size for me....am i lazy or what
  12. well im back up and running after being hacked and loseing all my videos so please rate/sub http://www.youtube.com/user/theobenRapidHunting?feature=mhee#p/a/u/1/G3o6H0an7s0
  13. i was also thinking of doing a couple of the big old spot lights i have for the roof of my truck with ir lol would be good for those drive rounds when theres a couple of us out
  14. f**k me this is boreing...some one kick this shit into touch .... i know i would of done if they tryed it with me!!!!.....
  15. phild on http://www.theoben-rapid.co.uk/forums/
  16. alot of air chair experts on the old youtube lol just ignore them si.. on another note,i was thinking after playing with chair gun about trying the max distance out with a sheet papper or 4 taped together???? would have to be one hell of a still day though??? 27 degree max 443 yards !!! pmsl think i would have to get a roll of wall papper out
  17. is that the lamp from the bay si? only ordered mine other day so hope it will be here soon along with the ir filter.
  18. i was a serious inquirey but i did not relise how far it was,other wise he'd be at min now...and at this price its the chance of a life time...hope he gets a good home soon.
  19. nice goin daz,bloody hell though a month!!! id go stir crazy before that lol
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