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Everything posted by ryan666

  1. cheers guys,have at long last got around to the new footage so keep checking in http://www.youtube.com/user/rapidhunting?feature=mhee
  2. ok guys after trying to sign into my youtube account and finding it had been hacked and deleted i have just started to add my content agian,so if you were on my watchers/friends list please add me again. and for some crazy reason im not allowed to use my old name so its now rapidhunting ! http://www.youtube.com/user/rapidhunting?feature=mhee
  3. well seen alot of ppl asking how to mount a cam to their rifle and also had a few messages on youtube soooooo i did this quick video to help,both ways are cheap(always good in my books) http://www.youtube.com/user/ProVerminControl?feature=mhee
  4. its always good when a new permission comes of,just had a call myself for a new shoot arranged by one of my long standing shoots so of to check it out myself come tuesday night
  5. yes the range is good well beyond 40 yards,even with the filter on and if only lamping for a few hours they will last you fine
  6. i use the exact same,got the red filter add on,least that way u have both white and red rather than just red unit is spot on for rabbits,only down side is batterys dont last long but i just bought the charger for the batterys whic means i can charge one set in the car while im usein the other set but if your not out all night one set of batterys is just fine.
  7. tha black one of ebay is still up for grabs on here http://www.rapid7owners.com/forums/index.php?act=idx
  8. you found anyone in the area that stocks them?
  9. only thing is to try a selection,as no to barrels are the same mate but if i was you id try jsb exact at 18 g would give a nice flatter trajectory
  10. well every barrel is different,my old a410s never wanted cleaning and stayed spot on,but my rapid 7 likes a good clean every couple of weeks.i just tend to let be unless the grouping opens up then i will give it a clean
  11. thats just how mines set up my mount is an action mount designed for mounting to handle bars(avialble from most camera supple shops for around £
  12. nice......you just gotta love the looks of the demon
  13. nice one daz,hopin to get along there myself if nothin crops up
  14. any time pete hope u enjoy the bunny u got
  15. where abouts are u two in lincs?
  16. lol i saw a daystate in my local rfd and asked about it reffering to it as a gaystate and only because of the posts on here :doh:
  17. i think it was around 2pm,that site is loaded with bunnys
  18. good shooting,been looking around at range finers myself,what model did u get?
  19. well had an hour free last night so went out for a few shoots,but check out the one at 59 seconds....he smacks his face right into a tyre http://www.youtube.com/user/ProVerminControl?feature=mhee
  20. ok what ever,dam fluff on my dumbie lol
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