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Everything posted by ryan666

  1. i had one and until it went tits up it really was a great rifle,if they been sorted then u cant do much worse
  2. i have an nd30 for sale,no adjustable mount(dont need it for air rifles) comes with weaver mount,push button and stock mounted pressure switch and im looking for an ir
  3. i have an nd30 but im looking to swap for an ir
  4. well dispite alot of ideas i can not get my camera to pick up the light when its on the gun or out at any distaance,but the video is uploaded and the view at the end of it shows the clear image you get when looking through the scope at over 50 yards,so u still get a dam good idea how well this light works. http://www.youtube.com/user/theobenRapidHunting?feature=mhee
  5. no worries tony,these cops are deff worth it if u think of it a a dma good torch,which cost just about the same price anyway but sure dont work half as good as these nd30's do
  6. yer i keep lookin at that,undecided myself?
  7. well heres it with the bottle done and heres one i did earlier and one last one for the bunnys view lol
  8. if you do lay in wait let the dead ones be untill your ready to move on,but all the questions on how to get big numbers will work,its just a case of seeing which one works well
  9. no si this is a different rapid but im thinking about getting anothe bsa one for this too
  10. well the "punisher" is almost done,but now ive looked at the pics i think the bottle needs doing too,once thats done i can add the last few touches of paint then i just need al the extras i have on order to show up and shes all set! and as was pointed out the leaves are not what your thinking but japanese red maples lol
  11. the s410k is a cracking rifle,its what i started out with and had meny a kill with the old girl
  12. your going to get every possible make and model said here lol best thing to do is go to your rfd and get your hands on a few and see which fits/feels best to you then give it a go! most rfd's have a range and you should be able to try before you buy
  13. both 22 and 177 will do as has been said,although i did try 177 once but as i kept giving it holdover and missing i gave it up !!! been to long with the 22 so will stick with it lol
  14. should be on by midweek,just having some tecnical problems with the dam camera
  15. ND30- chinese copy of laser genetics ND3 review. Now how do i discribe this? Well laser genstics market it as an alturnative to night vision ! Well im sorry to say they are having a laugh,it is never going to be that no matter what, BUT when you think a top end gun mounted light can be very expensive and this is where these chinese copys start to make sence and start to come into their own. These copys can be picked up for as little as £65 which will not get you any kind of lamp which will even come close to the performance of the ND30. Right lets start
  16. thumbs up from me bud,could of been worse,my channel was hacked twice!!!!!...and i did not keep the films on my pc so all lost...will be keeping a back up of them from now on.
  17. i have the new mk1 and am looking to swap my 400 bottle for a 500,the bottles mint(well it is new)
  18. theres one on fleebay for 500
  19. lol i screw my gate shut then go out as well
  20. is your pump release valve fully closed? even if it had 40bar in it it would register on the pump
  21. ether get a blueing kit or just spray paint it,could be the ideal time to do a nice camo job
  22. moley me old mate me and that program just dont like eachother lol my scope height is 1.75" pellet weight 14.3 on x10 mag mtc say my best zero range is 30 yards what does chairgun say ?? atb gary 28.9yrds ??? seems my cg is diff to yours phantom lol
  23. just found this old video of the dog,this bugger wont hunt for toffee but he did not like the smell of my socks after a rather wet hunting trip? http://www.youtube.com/user/theobenRapidHunting?feature=mhee
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