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Everything posted by ryan666

  1. lol will sort out a day/night as soon as this bloody rain buggers of
  2. i used a mates,pre-display model,and apart from the shroud being a comple bag of shit they are a good gun
  3. have a word with grayham at crawfords,seen a few of them in bits around the place so may have one spare?
  4. jesus mate wish you'd stop editin this add lol makes it impossible to buy the way u gone about it?
  5. so are you sellin everything but the 2nd bottle at 550? or all one lot at your new price?
  6. well after a few nob heads on here who know f**k all mouthing of ive decided to leave the site,also i will not be offering my help with taking ppl out shooting with me,sorry but just to meny pricks making it a choire to come on here sometimes,but to the few good guys on here id just like to say thanks and keep at it,cheers phil
  7. another nobbie bein a gobby sod....before gobbin of maybe u should see just how meny ppl i have help gain land and take them along with me on shoots till they do gain some where them selfs....its gobby sods like u make me want to not bother helpin ppl out,prick
  8. lmao i have to admit i think just that every time a newby comes on asking for land,seems to me if its to much work to get out and find some they need to chose another hobby
  9. i reckon ryan offers them all a pie each thats why he as 40 shoots... :laugh: :laugh: they look gorgous...yummy... lol what can i say word of mouth has got me over half of the shoots.most landowners are amazed at the range and quietness of the rapids
  10. well as to do all farms have vermin problems,yes to some degree i guess is the answer,farmers are a funny breed but be confident when chatting with them is your best bet,also even if they say they dont have much in the way of vermin just say "well if thats the case i can keep it that way as its easyer to control before it is a problem" lol that ones worked well for me in the past.as to stepping on toes,well i get alot of calls to take care of pest problems where they have someone,not your fault if they ant good anothe to sort it,well thats the way i see it as to having just one shoot i guess
  11. if i cant get a hold of one im after ill take a mk2....dont like unregged ones
  12. never worked on one of them myself,but as said above try a & m or simular as be much cheaper than factory
  13. tryed that,the one that was on there has sold....as i said been trying all over the shop
  14. can you all keep your eyes open in your local rfd's as im trying to find someone with the rapid tac in stock,and so far with very little sucsess im after .22 or .20 cheers guys
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