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lawyer daggett

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Everything posted by lawyer daggett

  1. About 30 years ago I was shooting my BRNO S/S ( a ZP49E) a cartridge did not quite sound right. Unfortunately I did not open the gun and check that the barrel was clear before I reloaded. The next firing of that barrel kicked like hell and put a small bulge in the barrel just behind the internal chokes. The shotgun was sent to the importer for pressure testing / re proofing and the bulge was found to have actually improved the guns pattern. Previously it had been almost Full/Full, now it shot a very nice Full / Modified. I had been using cardboard case Sellier Belliot ammo-a
  2. I am thinking about purchasing a Sabatti Kipplauf, does anyone have any experience with Sabatti rifles or shotguns?. These are not normally imported into Australia so I cannot make enquiries here. As I particularly want this style of european hunting rifle, please no suggestions about other types of single shot. I already own a TC Contender with 22/223 /30-30 Ackley Imp calibres and am not interested in a pooly finished but functional firearm like the Baikal 18 or a different style single shot like the Ruger 1 & 3. Suggestions of other types of Kipplauf of similar price to
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