Not to do with halloween but mate of mine who doesnt tell any lies was walking past a old cemetary before an his dog stoped beside it and started scraping the ground ground like mad and its teeth out and hairs standing up like it was possesed for a minute..he hasnt walked past it sence
Fast fuckers catch the odd rabbit but not many. Dont lamp them anymore dog near got killed last time chased a rabbit about 50 yards through a pile of trees was just waiting for him to hit 1 head on then once he made it out the rabbit ran into a 6 foot ditch and the dog hit it full pelt dont no how he survived
Used to feed redmills racer but gave my dogs the shits 24/7 dont no the name of the food now its in a clear bag with a small sticker on it its made my redmills only 9. for 15kg bag and worms better than the racer.
its not that they are not very inviting, the main thing is the trust issue - they dont know you and taking a complete stranger out doing something illegal is very risky and a risk not to many lads are willing to take
illegal ?
Id much rather see a hare get away after a long hard chase than the dog catch it. Saying that im not really into hares would just take the odd one for the pot or dogs