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hunt and fish

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Everything posted by hunt and fish

  1. Will do it no harm mate. I throw in a rabbit every few days never had any problems. I no a boy who throws in full chickens not even plucked and he has kept ferrets around 30 years and leaves them for days.
  2. Cheers everyone..Had my bull whippit about month and half put on some muscle and looking the part now coming on well. Have it out for a good few hours everyday its paying off catching bunnies regulary now just getting used to lamp
  3. May sound like a daft question..but whats the best way getting your dog into good shape. Plenty of running or as i hear a lot of people saying road walking. Whats so good about road walking?
  4. Only had my we bull whippit month and half now, started him of ferreting 1st going into open field and letting the rabbits get good head start and letting the dog catch and retrieve then let him catch a few by just bolting the rabbits ferreting. Then when i went lamping he knew the score, didnt take squated rabbits untill they ran but most dogs learning dont take squaters. best of luck
  5. Only had my we bull whippit month and half now, started him of ferreting 1st going into open field and letting the rabbits get good head start and letting the dog catch and retrieve then let him catch a few by just bolting the rabbits ferreting. Then when i went lamping he knew the score, didnt take squated rabbits untill they ran but most dogs learning dont take squaters. best of luck
  6. Must been good we whippit mate. Dieing to get mine on charlie.
  7. The pic i have of him is to large to upload fs. Will take some new ones soon.
  8. Happdays mate. My we dog seems game enough should do the job alright, going to put him on a fox soon will let you no how he does.
  9. My new we whippit coursed its first hair today..the hare ran into a bog full of trees in which i ran in after to see what was happening..came out up to my knees in water haha.
  10. Flip me thats some morning work. Where i live and all surrounding areas you are lucky if you see 3 or 4 bunnies in a field.. in which you would have to walk fields and fields to find the next few.
  11. hi i had a frst cross about 23tts (15 years ago )he did his job well , he only had rabbits in his first season but at approximately 2 years old he was switched to charlie and did the job well, he lacked a little in speed but made up for it in bravery and determination. he worked well with my 3/4 greyhound whippet who had all the speed, reasonable stamina but little else. Cheers mate. Hes quickest we dog i have seen is going to make a great rabbit dog. Hes very game and still young still a bit of growing to do but has filled out well. Will post how he does if he gets put into charlie w
  12. Yea im from Northern Ireland. Great we rabbit dogs but has anyone put them on foxes before? Hes a bull X strong we dog 20 inch tts.
  13. I am not that long into the game, have always went out with mates for a long time lamping and ferreting with there lurchers. Recently just bought a we bull whippit cracker we dog. Started her of catching bolted rabbits while ferreting and done well, hes caught a few on the lamp to just getting used to the lamp now. He is just turned 13 months. Everyone i go out with keep lurchers none of them have whippits but i decided to start with a whippit as they are cracker for rabbits..whats your opinions on using them for foxes? Hes a game we dog.
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