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Pink Panther

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About Pink Panther

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. Shows what you know doesnt it. One of its close relatives died to ground just a few days ago.
  2. Its the Royal Mail you should be venting your anger against and not the poor posties. They don't get much for what they do and their working conditions are not good. There are very few strikes & work to rule these days on the whole, so it makes you think when there is, there has to be a very good reason for it. Unless you've been in that position yourself you have know idea at all.
  3. I agree with you completely Crow, we need to distance ourselves from this low life scum :sick: It has nothing whatsoever to do with hunting. They are the ones that have and continue to damage OUR future in hunting with dogs. How anyone can condone dog fighting or in any way equate it to hunting I really do not know
  4. Will you be having the tails of your pups docked when they are born huntinggirl?
  5. Is it true that the working classes not allowing docked puppies?
  6. nice lookin pups mate,austin you are a prick. he is Nice pups Ricky
  7. That it does :whistle: It was a good programme and showed just how intelligent beardies are.
  8. nothing can be at its best when its cut and dry before it even starts and the pta wont allow all plummers to be shown just their own - shame on the PTA and you big V as one of the committee for encouriging this childish behaviour especially with all the shouting the pta does.scared of a bit of competition are you? Someone died in an accident at the show in case you didnt notice
  9. There are a few brands of chloramphenicol (antibiotic) eye drops that you can now buy over the counter without a prescription. "Optrex Infected Eyes" is one and this will treat bacterial conjunctivitis. It could be that the problem in your dog is caused by pollen at this time of year, particularly if there are any rape fields around, in which case golden eye drops will treat it effectively.
  10. Excellent advice David :thumbs-up: its very easy to ruin a very young dog by expecting too much of them. Remember a puppy is a baby animal. Be patient, and your patience will be rewarded, dont forget that its just a puppy. Introduce it to work, but do it gradually and gently without high expectations Make a huge fuss when your dog does something you really approve of, but just ignore the times it doesn't - dogs are very sensitive creatures, they can sense when you are not pleased with them and will pick up on your frustrations. Be heavy handed and expect too much from a very young p
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