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Everything posted by 2bob

  2. 42 day's after you've bred your ferret
  3. them days of big bags have long gone mate
  4. well said jw we did all start somewhere.. people are going to make mistakes if they come on here to ask advise and all they get is to be slated for asking a simple piece of advice
  5. djwarmer only asked for advice. theres no harm in asking. if you have'nt got anything good to say why reply
  6. take wire snip's with you everytime you go out i do. i was out lamping one night an came across a ram that had tangled himself in the barbed wire i freed him an the ungrateful thing charged my mate an hit him clean off his feet
  7. it's a bit late in the season mate.. you wanted £70:00 a week ago. as the season comes to an end your want more put it on ebay
  8. did you change the battery's in the collar and box..
  9. when it come's like that you gotta have it..
  10. what collars are they 15ft ferret or 15 ft terrier.. if the two 1.4 batteries are working then don't worry..atb
  11. fairplay the guys make a mistake and instead of giveing him shit you point him in the right direction well said kev
  12. I hope you know more about hawks than you do about ferrets mate. What you've just wrote is a crock of shit to put it mildly, "she can die and more than likely will. Can you tell me what experiences you base your opinion on? they don't if you don't breed them.. i've got two jill's that were'nt bred last year an there fine
  13. when they all come into season properly your going to need five cages to separate them properly.. or your other option is to get the hobs castrated an yer jills spayed
  14. you got a good one there look after her (the ferret not the wife lol)
  15. 2bob


    i'll agree with that i give mine scrambled egg now an again. as for raw eggs they wont do them any harm my father kept pigeons years ago an i used to give there eggs to the ferrets.. an you'll be allright to leave a rabbit in there for 2 or 3 days in cold weather just be a bit careful as the weather gets warmer
  16. i got a lightforce striker here mate.. mint condition only used a few times..interested in a swap
  17. if there's a few of you then one of you take the nets one of you take ferrets,spade,machete.. otherwise you'll end up taking more than you'll use and carrrying it around all day an not using it..
  18. don't say you thought it belonged to the railway as you've just admitted to trespassing.. you are not allowed on any railway property without permission
  19. she's not usually like that she's usually in work the warren an out if nothing's in there..she's three year old now. i've had it from young ferrets just starting out
  20. i had a gill down a warren for an 1 hour 15 minutes on sunday had a collar on her could'nt get a mark on her she showed in every hole an that was a 16 holer. for some reason she would'nt come out everytime i tried to grab her she kept running back down
  21. i've had stainless one,s made now.. the one,s i ordered from d l pest control were s..t and went straight in the f.....g bin
  22. it was buy it now an i did (1 locator 1 collar mk1 went for £137:00 on there the other day ) the good thing with ebay is you are protected if it ain't what they say it is.
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