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Everything posted by thewhippetman

  1. here is my brand new bsa ultra multishot still got original gun oil and fill addaptor with eluminum scope buffilo river as new £400 no offers call 07795834630 i will send piks pm me with ur email address
  2. hi here is my whirauch hw80k thumbhole stock cost 300 action is mint and so is the stock mint condition ocer 500 worth of gun 200 no offers christmas bargain pm me for piks or call on 01388816346 .. you will no get a gun of this standard for this cheap mint gun no offers pick up only northeast cheers dave
  3. here is my daystate harrier x thumhole as new condition hardly used bluing prestine stock excelent superb gun 100% quality gun as you would expect from a daystte stil got all the riciptes of 699 gun only has had custome parts fitted like brass coking bolt / brass single shot tray /carbon fiber silincer / brass triger / brass triger guard / 2 10 shot mags /ajustable but pad . bushnell 3-9x50 scope with gun bag . best gun i have ever owned ... call 01388816346 price £450 .. posted pm me or comment excelent christmas pressie pm me for piks wih email address . cheers whippetman
  4. sorry to hear that mate rip ginger mick ...
  5. oh u forgot 2 add my divers bottleaswell with test aswell ... cheerd thewhippetman
  6. right i will swap my 2 mint guns for ur 4x4 or legasy estate 4wd or any othee 4x4 tight first is my daystate harrier x thumbhole with all brass parts 2 mags brass single shot tray mint scope in box as new wit 699 gun only recipt !!. secondly my whirauch hw80 thumbhole mint gun no bad marks at all .. preferebly a suzuki jimmy .. ect pajero ... shogun ... what have you .. cheers dave call: 01388816346
  7. hello here is my falcon fn19 (8 shot) i am going to be totaly honest could do with a re-blue 35.oo- with silincer bag scope slugs shoots grafts mint very quite mint gun 100% machanicly. secondly my ags pcr1. mint condition with the thumbhole stock big ags 3x9x50 scope very long bag slugs.shoots 100 percent mint condition i am geting mixed reviews on these gun good and bad i think it is a awsome gun to shott and fells awsome with the thumbhole stock . thirdly the divers bottle gage and hose has not stamp and been riped of of my kid ! was baught with test on works mint still has corner of the st
  8. oryt lads i am after a aa tx200 mk3 hc for my ultra single shot mint nick with hawke sport 2x9x50 hd scope/ silincer divers bottle no yest certificate it has test tho lost test sheet may ad a bit cash must be willing to travel to meet pm me with details or ur numba so i can send u some piks with details of ur gun. chers dave call 01388816346
  9. has any one got any purse nets for sale comment if u do ??

    1. r-o-b-p


      think theres sum in the for sale section

    2. dlm


      how many u after fella?

    3. thewhippetman


      as many as u have got.2 4 5 10 20 30 mate pm me with details

  10. would you swap for my custom logun s16 wtih wooden hand grips for your bsa if so pm me ur numba nd il send piks
  11. would u swap for a custom logun s16 wooden hand grips pm me for pics with ur email address
  12. thanks alot lads got a few mates with lurchers and that so ill take all ur advice and have a go like cheers boys kyle.
  13. 1.logun s16 with costum wodern handgrips 3-9-40 ags scope still has te palstic hand grips with lazer lovely gun to shoot has the s16 break down bag mint codition 2. my beloved ags pcr 1 thumbhole with 2 stocks the gun is mint not 1 mark the gun is amasingly accurate it has massive ags iluminum sights vey light in cludes bag and scope. 3. my brand new carbon fiber webley ags springer had about 50 slugs through it mint very very light with nico stirling 3 - 12x40 . all this witch i think is a bargain for 500 or swap for 1 very good pcp multishot bsa super 10 ect . 500 cash . call 01388816346 ch
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