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old hunter

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Everything posted by old hunter

  1. well i am abit confused here fella you never met him or had anything to do with him but you were going to give him a well bred pup i dont know what to make of that one haha dog face you have been caught out again Old hunter i am also a little confused to as how you know all this info about him and taffybull but you only joined today and your apparently from kent that also makes no sense i lived in barry for a while and me and taffy are good mates and he told me everything about dog face
  2. well i am abit confused here fella you never met him or had anything to do with him but you were going to give him a well bred pup i dont know what to make of that one haha dog face you have been caught out again
  3. you was always up his arse d f k,and you thorght troy was amazing,your only saying this because there al slaging him of now,its the kids own foult if he had owt about him he would go and take a pup of the money listen whoever you are on your other account, how would i think a dogs amazing i never met the dog or seen it therefor i would nevr pass commenting yes it was a nice stamp, stamps mean nothing in feild, enjoy yourself you wank over troy all the time :wankerzo4: troy your so big and black mmmm ahahah i did chuckle thanks for that all im saying is that y
  4. You're right. I try to ignore them..... 'men' who use their dogs to kill domestic cats are just looking for an easy target. It gives them a thrill to see something being ripped to shreds and killed...they don't respect their quarry and are not real dogmen...they're just big tits. Hunters....??? I don't think so. very well said
  5. you was always up his arse d f k,and you thorght troy was amazing,your only saying this because there al slaging him of now,its the kids own foult if he had owt about him he would go and take a pup of the money listen whoever you are on your other account, how would i think a dogs amazing i never met the dog or seen it therefor i would nevr pass commenting yes it was a nice stamp, stamps mean nothing in feild, enjoy yourself you wank over troy all the time :wankerzo4: troy your so big and black mmmm ahahah i did chuckle thanks for that all im saying is that y
  6. you was always up his arse d f k,and you thorght troy was amazing,your only saying this because there al slaging him of now,its the kids own foult if he had owt about him he would go and take a pup of the money listen whoever you are on your other account, how would i think a dogs amazing i never met the dog or seen it therefor i would nevr pass commenting yes it was a nice stamp, stamps mean nothing in feild, enjoy yourself you wank over troy all the time :wankerzo4: troy your so big and black mmmm ahahah i did chuckle thanks for that all im saying is that y
  7. you was always up his arse d f k,and you thorght troy was amazing,your only saying this because there al slaging him of now,its the kids own foult if he had owt about him he would go and take a pup of the money listen whoever you are on your other account, how would i think a dogs amazing i never met the dog or seen it therefor i would nevr pass commenting yes it was a nice stamp, stamps mean nothing in feild, enjoy yourself you wank over troy all the time :wankerzo4: troy your so big and black mmmm
  8. heres another one have you saw any alaunt work to fling jugdement on them ive seen that breed work before as gaurd dogs,there are just like bull masstiffs So just a Ban dog ?
  9. good idea any single 60/65 year olds that fancy a shag pm if you like
  10. heres another one have you saw any alaunt work to fling jugdement on them ive seen that breed work before as gaurd dogs,there are just like bull masstiffs
  11. you was always up his arse d f k,and you thorght troy was amazing,your only saying this because there al slaging him of now,its the kids own foult if he had owt about him he would go and take a pup of the money
  12. my old dog got put down last month at the age of 13 and upto about 10 or 11 was still doing abit of lamping and ferreting
  13. do you lads think it has always been this bad,or is it just the past couple of years,most of the time its just your kids breeding 12 month old bitches
  14. you was always up taffy arse,me and taffy this me and taffy that
  15. cant beat abit of catting
  16. watched a topic the other day... A bloke bred some decentish looking saluki X pups, was off working away and was giving them away free as he couldn't get rid!!! Proves that it's not just shite people get stuck with and people should take money out of the equasion when breeding for own use and sell the pups WHEN THE BITCH IS IN WHELP OR AFTER YOUVE PICKED YOURS... DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THEY'RE WEANED, AS A FEW WEEKS AFTER WEANING THEY ARE NO LONGER CUTE LITTLE BALLS OF FLUFF (WHICH MOST PEOPLE WANT WHEN BUYING A PUP). Anyway, i'm sure my advice will fall on many deaf ears, but if it saves one litte
  17. who eles thinks there are to many lurcher pups being bred,with out homes,people shounld only breed if they have got homes for pups and the parents are proven
  18. why did you put a full bull to them,they wont be much of a running dog
  19. hope you dont get stuck with the pups
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