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Everything posted by WorkingPatterdaleTerrier

  1. shes a fine bitch,the pup is comming on well,she is travelling dry earths and marking live ones,just have her tied out on digs at the momment,she still only a baby,will give her a look around christmas time/new year,she is keen as mustard and would go now if she was let,ill try get some pics up soon,how is your own comming along? pup 5/6 months more recent pic of a dig with the old dog u were asking about,still doin a bit nice dogs lad
  2. You know what happened or more like you heard what happened its no hidden secret is it so what has that got to do with the line of terriers ?? very well said!
  3. ive got a few for sale mate if interested inbox me. atb tye they in good condition?
  4. I bet you can move some dirt with that shovel old chap :11: thats my Daughters shovel (shes only 5) she thinks shes helping me when im digging with mine my son was the same when he was that age
  5. Got bull all over it!! atb with him though Rey so has your wife :kiss: :kiss: Who the F*ck do you think your talking to you cheeky wee Pr*ck!!! :realmad: Ive done Sh*ts harder than you and woulda loved you to have said that to my face ya german plank!! I was stating a point, the dog has alot of bull in it (too much in my opinion) now dont go staring Wars again, we all know what happened last time! That was out of order Ferret13!!
  6. Nice lookin Russell/Bull, can he get to ground though mate? and your staffy bitch looks in good condition AussiePigger! Rey he can get to ground alright 3 or 4 times a week or he wouldnt be classed as a working dog mate! atb Doesnt need to be able to get to ground to be classed as a working dog! could be a ratting & bushing dog...
  7. hey guys new to all this. i dont use my computer much. got two patts and a lurcher WPT
  8. my patt bitch had pups 2day!! :D

    1. CarraghsGem


      what did she have??? + how many???

    2. WorkingPatterdaleTerrier
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