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Everything posted by lurcherterrierferret

  1. I've got a Brian Plummer the Complete lurcher, not read it all yet, but have found it to be a good light hearted but informative read. I was also new to owning a lurcher, and got mine last year in the summer, I got this book after, but found my lurcher (1/4 collie, 1/4 bedlington and 1/2 whippet) easy to train, and a useful little man for both ratting and just getting him into rabbiting, been very close this year but will be holding off now til next season thanks to some advice from members on here. I agree with previous posts, you need to go out with someone experienced that works lurchers t
  2. Frustrating as I really wanted him to get one before the season is out, but would rather hold off and have a better dog at the end of it all. Will be doing a bit of racing with him at the shows anyway so that will keep him going.
  3. Thanks for the advice guys, think I need to build his confidence a bit, think ratting him is helping. I agree with you, I'm going to leave him now til early next season, don't want him losing his confidence and not wanting to do it anymore, he has really high prey drive just need to hone it in the right direction at the right time. Going to get my ferret shed re-done this summer and get a locater so I can ferret more next season with the little guys as they're only young as well
  4. Took my 10 month old pup out at the weekend with the lamp - only just getting him going really, he's had a couple of runs through the day but this is only his 2nd time out with the lamp - keeping him to maximum 1 hour out for now. Not much about, but he had a couple of runs but nothing close enough for him to catch, so we carried on through the next couple of fields, slipped him on one thought he'd seen it but did't til the last minute when it was too late and bunny went back into hedges. We then had to climb over the wall and walk down the road to the next set of fields, saw 2 foxes out o
  5. Just got ourselves some decent ratting permission, but really struggling without a smoker as most of the rats are living under sheds. Need to collect this week preferably so we can go this weekend. Anything considered, obviously must be 2stroke. Chainsaw preferred but strimmer or hedge cutters considered. Would prefer something in working order, but if it's fixable then it will be fine. Cheers!!
  6. Am I right in thinking Selby Game Fair 22-25 April is the first in Yorkshire or are there any more? I have dates for Woolley Show : 30th July and Yorkshire Game Fair at Harewood is on 29-30 May Anyone got more to add? steph
  7. whippet bedlington collie, my first lurcher, he was so so easy to train, tought him to sit in a few hours at 5 weeks old, was retreiving small toys the week after!! Now 10 months, had a few runs on rabbits and killed his first rat yesterday lol, really pleasurable dog to train, and coming on nicely now we've got a bit of permission.
  8. Both my dogs, terrier and lurcher are broken haired, jack russell has short but very coarse hair, so would she be rough or smooth in terms of showing classes? or cross breed? Same with lurcher really, he's whippet x bedlington x collie and has smooth but not short hair os never know what class to put him in. Any advice much appreciated!
  9. will put pics up soon, took some decent ones last night of both dogs workin some bankings. our jack is 2yrs tan and white
  10. will do, i'll put some up before the weekend if i get chance - not far from you then only in ponte
  11. i've been ferreting a bit, bought some hand made nets locally, there plenty on ebay only about 2 quid each so i never bother making my own. you need to be careful not to lose your ferrets down a hole if they kill down there you could be waiting a while for him to come back out if your not using locate collars, there are a few ways to try and get the ferret back out though. agree with earlier post get a good book thats got info about keeping ferrets aswel as working them
  12. Hi just joined today wanted to say hi to everyone, I'm from West yorks, got a jack russel bitch used for mainly rabbiting, some ratting, lurcher pup will be used for ferreting and couple of hob ferrets Steph
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