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Everything posted by oldmoocher

  1. have you still got any pups left mate ,i had a dog off similar breeding had to get rid ove him due to work commitments worst to mistake i made no stoping the dog naw !! but getting back in to the game naw, il pm u naw mate
  2. cheers mate , il av a look
  3. can eny one help me i'm going to be bieing the equipment to make nets because my mate going to be making them for me and was just wondering wat you fellow ferreter would recommend , I/E length ove net , weight ove mesh ,OZ,type of material, size ov O RINGS so if eny ove you can help me id be very grateful for your in put , old moocher thank
  4. thanks for the advice mate, my friends got 1 il borrow it off him ,
  5. sorry to ere about tha mate, it happens to the best ove us , keep your chin up
  6. i was mooching round the small holding yesterday and seen a few rat holes, in the stack ove logs next to tha pigs so i decided to drop tha ferret in , i was waiting at one ove the holes then i seen a head pop out it was tha biggest rat ive ever seen i didn have tha pistol to hand that was one lucky rat he ran back in and must ove made contact with the ferret you could here them both fighting then it all went quiet, the ferret reapeard 1o minutes later. so she either killed it or lost it going to be doing abit more round there in tha next couple ove days, so ill keep you up dated, if you other
  7. craking looking dog mate, done eny work with him yet , i/e gerring him spotting on tha lamp,
  8. fair play to u fella, tha dogs looking good
  9. i just gor 1 in 2 years old , 1/4 bull 3/4 grey blue dog came with trial, killed a Charlie for me first nite i had him bought him straight away [bANNED TEXT] i seen tha give him a go mate , see if u can see him doin tha job first
  10. nice looking pup , hope it works owt for you mate
  11. pm hedz31 from this site he has this type and breeds all his own stuff im sure hell send you pics aswell hes a good lad like that does anything to help someone out :thumbs: ok thanks mate
  12. any body own or work Wheaton/gray/bull/gray, interested in getting one in, would like to now wa u people thinks who owns and works this type of cross would like to see some piks to , thanks lwk forward to hearing from you.
  13. i jst got rid ove my staghound/grey hound im gutted i didnt tak eny photos naw !!!
  14. she looks exactly lyk my mates dog he only bn tried on rabbits tho !! u shld neva let ur missis choose that collar pmsl
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