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Everything posted by dougall

  1. just been told my freinds fatherinlaw has two yorkshire terriers in the hut my friend asked me about the temp what do i do with my dogs told him put heat lamps in or bring the we dogs in the house if it gets to cold just told me today one of his we dogs frooze to death 12 year old the dog was thinking of reporting him i know he needs a good kicking but he is 70 years old feel sick about atb
  2. ive got 2 dogs of this cross breed of 1 of his dogs 18 months great we dogs
  3. corky john everyone different thank f--k were no all like u
  4. minzy ur a tit inan right c--ts like and ur f--king pals get everyone a bab name all use do is put photos up of hares deer foxes everything that is banned why to make urselfs hard ur just makeing urselfs look like fannys there more anti and police on these sites than members people have had there dogs taken from them because of photos on forums but never mind because ur all as hard as f--k lol
  5. hey uno did i say keep the dog no give it to some one for a pet ur f--king tool to many tits like u think they r hard killing a f--king poor dog because it f--k up again big hard hunters
  6. kill a dog because it shite f--k me what a bunch of f--king tits what would happen if u gave someone a ride of ur wifes and they said she was shite kill her f--king fannys
  7. has anyone had bother with theres mine searches but does not locate had it more than a year used it once use my old mrk 1 had no bother with had it 25 years
  8. the one 6 jills in a box must b some box and must b heavy each to there own
  9. terrie we used to buy german army parkas and just rip the lining and that gave u huge pockets u will get them in army stores all the best
  10. dread u said u would have culled the dog there and then does that mean u would have killed the dog if so why ?
  11. ferretter have u never heard of poacher pockets or a game pocket and any ferrets i have would fit in any jacket or coat pocket as i said earlyer i have used bags for 35 years and NEVER had a accident or lost a ferret only ever once as i took to many magig mushrooms but found it the next day
  12. kay i have 2 boxes been ferreting for 35 years and i prefer bags seen more accidents with boxs than bags and as far as investing in a box its not abot money its about what suits u
  13. u dont hear about people shooting them because there not showing off and taking photos thats all some of them seen to do fammys
  14. dont i did its hard work got 3 2 dogs at 17 months and a pup at 14 weeks the 2 at 17 months r just about there but hard work atb
  15. ferreter how will u end up with a frozen ferret if its in ur inside pocket next to ur body heat think they will be colder in a box on the ground or hanging aff ur back so ferreter think again atb
  16. the only good thing about it is it kills of the mixy last year u only got 2 months with the dogs because of the hard ground this year looks the same it doesnt help with all the twats going out and killing in the snow easy kills doesnt prove f--- all apart from being a f---ing twat
  17. the only good thing about it is it kills of the mixy last year u only got 2 months with the dogs because of the hard ground this year looks the same it doesnt help with all the twats going out and killing in the snow easy kills doesnt prove f--- all apart from being a f---ing twat
  18. wait a few days and c the pups caracter and think of 1 then good luck
  19. to easy for the dogs gives them a run but its not for me
  20. bags all the time just put it in ur pocket saves carrying a box the only good thing about a carrying box is u can sit on it the old bank bags for me
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