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Everything posted by dougall

  1. met them when i stayed in elgin ran the dogs with them couple times that was 15 years ago they were mental but sound use to leave a couple hares on the keepers door step always fighting with keepers
  2. got 3 dogs all under 22 biggest is 21 and the smallest is 19 great we ferreting dogs and lamping good fun with the small dogs caught plenty rabbits atb
  3. must have alot of work for them had lurchers a while myself all cross just stick to beddywhippet greyhonds myself small and nippy suit me for the work i have for them as for getting rid for the goverment maybe you will no need just get caught at what your doing and they will get rid for you hope not but couldnt be bothered with the hastle so the rabbits do me atb
  4. This was my first running dog for a few years but we always had bigger dogs back then 23 + the best being a Grey/ collie, susie, who could turn her hand at most things I think in the future i'll be looking for a bigger dog as well but me and my lad enjoy everyday out with the dogs, she's way too young to say shecan do this or that but she tries her heart out everytime andputs a smile on my face so thats good enough for me. thats what its all about enjoying your dog work atb
  5. sounds like the breeding how many dogs do u have
  6. heres hopeing first thing i would do is get myself a bigger dog loved courseing the hares nothing better than seeing one dog on a hare all the best
  7. fair enough its what your use to had big dogs preban but cant do much with them now so the we dogs suit me fine mostly ferreting and lamping i do now all the best davie
  8. looks good that would b a handy van
  9. dont think there was anything said about coursing competition why have a dog that will lamp another dog for ferreting coursing and charlie one dog for everything atb
  10. nevre read so much sh--e had all cross in my day now just keep small my biggest is 21 inches kills 30 plus rabbits at night good during the day to there is no need for a big dog everything is against the law now just draws attention to you
  11. cracking we pup got one similar only 7 months atb
  12. you cant best the we dogs on the rabbits great fun
  13. youve done the right thing shes a we cracker atb
  14. they get yesterdays paper today up there
  15. got a young dog (9 months) myself which has beddie in it..... his dam was collie/whip/grey an his sire was straight beddie/whip......for some reason i like the beddie blooded dogs...they seem to fit in with not only my hunting but my general way of life..........atb..chris.. must be something in the west coast they suit our ground great dogs
  16. had one a while back good cross got 2 with a bit of whippet in them to keep them small handy cross good allrounders atb
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