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About Mosby

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 28/09/1988

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  • Interests
    Working terriers, ferrets, airguns, archery

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  1. Blackstuff. Clear some messages. I've been trying to write you bud.

  2. Str, they are coypu. Foxdropper, they've got lovely pelts, but they don't bring a profit. They're worth about $3 a pelt.
  3. You could get a mess of them spotlighting and shooting, but then you don't get to catch them with the dogs. A couple brushing dogs and a shotgun would be murder on these things.
  4. My buddy shot me a message to come up and hunt his stomping grounds yesterday with a falconer we both know. By the time I got there, they had already dug up a nutria. Since I had hunted that property so many times, I convinced them to go exploring for a new spot. We found one and dropped my jagd terrier Claude. He worked the brush hard for about half a mile. The fields were eaten down about 20 feet all along the brush line, so we knew nutria were in the area. Claude eventually settled down on a spot in a thick patch of berries. We couldn't see him, but could hear he was digging and pulling at
  5. I've taken a long leave from the working dog world. I had to move a couple years back and placed all but two dogs with other fellas. Now I'm looking to get back to working the terriers again. Figured I'd say hi and see who all is still around. Looks like there are some new Americans posting on here. With Spring coming on, there should be some good hunting along the waterways for nutria and what not. I'll try to post some stories and pics in the coming weeks. Take care.
  6. Thanks Mudcat! You're right Neil, lol. I'm a man of passions. Thanks for the support everyone. It's alot of work putting one of these together. I have a new found respect for the other fellas who have created books.
  7. Hello friends and fellow terriermen. I haven't been as active in the terrier world as I would like to be. Having a couple kids under the age of three and trying to find one's way in the world can keep a man from his passions. Luckily, I have squeezed in the time to write and put together a book all about working the terriers here in the Western United States. This book is full of true stories... or as true as a terrierman will tell. lol... Many pictures, breeding advice, and detailed knowledge about each game animal my friends and I hunt in this wonderful part of the world. There may not be an
  8. Stinking retarded that you can't hunt mink. It would only help the otters to get rid of their competition.
  9. A big thank you to those who have read my book. Please let your friends know about it. As people have been asking where to buy it, I will try to make it easier for everybody, here are the links to the major suppliers of my book. These links will take you directly to the book's page. Amazon has physical and ebook versions AMAZON Ibooks has the ebook version of the book IBOOKS Kobo has the ebook version of the book KOBO Barnes and Noble has physical and ebook versions BARNES AND NOBLE
  10. There are links to buy it at the bottom of my webpage. Adamhowardbooks.com Ask me if you need any help.
  11. I'll be making an audio version in the future for those of my friends who can't read.lol
  12. Hey folks, I've put together an ebook about hunting the river bottoms of Oregon and catching all sorts of game with my favorite terrier of days gone by, "Magua." This is an enjoyable piece of modern terrierwork. Follow the link and be sure to get your free copy of "Magua Endures: Memoir of an Otter Hunt." http://adamhowardbooks.us12.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=6f693301946f8ae97f4e446ab&id=15b09efa30
  13. Hey folks, I put together a story of a great day out with my favorite dog from the past, "Magua." There's a bit about hunting the river bottoms and catching coons and nutria but the highlight is Magua's keeping an otter at bay in its holt. Follow the link and get yourself a free copy of "Magua Endures: Memoir of an Otter Hunt" http://adamhowardbooks.us12.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=6f693301946f8ae97f4e446ab&id=15b09efa30
  14. Hey folks, I am experimenting with writing a blog. Check out my newest post, "Trophy Hunting Unethical?" http://www.adamhowardbooks.com/?p=93 Go easy on me. I know the topic is controversial.
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