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Everything posted by sid2007

  1. Any details or questions call John on : 07926064313
  2. There is to be a lurcher and terrier show in west Lothian ! It is being held in polbeth F. C grounds dates are being arranged hopefully will be 1st June ! It will have judges brought in so fairly judged and will have all classes including bull class , racing for Lurchers and terriers ! Child handleing for the kids with prizes ! Will be a great day and looking forward to seeing lots of guys turn out with their dogs ! Proceeds of event are going to cystic fibrosis charity ! The club will be opening their kitchen and there is a park for kids to play ' hope this will be the start of many to come !
  3. Saluki/grey pups smooth and featherd dogs and bitches cracking racey pups both parents can be seen and are excellent workers brindles and black beautifully marked . Tel 07926064313
  4. Diny take that the wrong way steve lol ,a mean that the person that raisies the dog fae a pup to adult ,will care about it more than any body new will .and no a didny see them out last year cause that was jock haha am dawn lol.u should knw jock dsny come on here lol ,and by the way for the record ! He said ur dogs r gid workeres lol .
  5. keep them in the kennel till they die steve, been good dogs to you , be good to them if no all the best looking -----den DEN THEY WANT TO WORK MATE AND I WONT HAVE THE TIME TO GIVE THEM AS I HAVE OVER THE YEAR,S MATE AS I HAVE A BITCH OUT MY BLACK DOG AND A PUP AND THEY DO NOT LIKE TO BE LEFT WHEN I GO OUT I HAVE TOOK ON BORED WHAT YOU ARE SAYING MATE I WILL HAVE A RE THINK ON THE MATER AT HAND I WILL KEEP YOU POSTED MATE Good luck steve ,but [bANNED TEXT] beter to keep them and let them work the odd time if they want ,we have an old dog here 9 years old and hes given us plenty good se
  6. keep them in the kennel till they die steve, been good dogs to you , be good to them if no all the best looking -----den DEN THEY WANT TO WORK MATE AND I WONT HAVE THE TIME TO GIVE THEM AS I HAVE OVER THE YEAR,S MATE AS I HAVE A BITCH OUT MY BLACK DOG AND A PUP AND THEY DO NOT LIKE TO BE LEFT WHEN I GO OUT I HAVE TOOK ON BORED WHAT YOU ARE SAYING MATE I WILL HAVE A RE THINK ON THE MATER AT HAND I WILL KEEP YOU POSTED MATE Good luck steve ,but [bANNED TEXT] beter to keep them and let them work the odd time if they want ,we have an old dog here 9 years old and hes given us plenty good se
  7. keep them in the kennel till they die steve, been good dogs to you , be good to them if no all the best looking -----den DEN THEY WANT TO WORK MATE AND I WONT HAVE THE TIME TO GIVE THEM AS I HAVE OVER THE YEAR,S MATE AS I HAVE A BITCH OUT MY BLACK DOG AND A PUP AND THEY DO NOT LIKE TO BE LEFT WHEN I GO OUT I HAVE TOOK ON BORED WHAT YOU ARE SAYING MATE I WILL HAVE A RE THINK ON THE MATER AT HAND I WILL KEEP YOU POSTED MATE Good luck steve ,but [bANNED TEXT] beter to keep them and let them work the odd time if they want ,we have an old dog here 9 years old and hes given us plenty good se
  8. Well done archie ,u well deserved to win !
  9. Well dne ,tryn to get pics ae mine up got about ,30,trophys and shields to add,the big one wae hare on pic was mine last year ,lol.pics up soon from dawn mcgilvary
  10. hi mate do u still have her ,im very interested in her.
  11. come on den were waitn tae see the pics mate. lol john , canna get them on comp , doing my head in ,but will asap , send me your address for organisers at peterborough nae bother dawn will pit it on another page for you. cheers mate
  12. come on den were waitn tae see the pics mate. lol
  13. thanks alot josie and kelly, ur dogs were top form[as always]. wasnt a easy decicion there was alot of real nice dogs.in all in real good condition. look forward to seein yous again .good hunting over the season big man.jock n dawn
  14. thats just what we said ,roxy will be some dog next year ,amaizing for her age.
  15. Hi Den , have you put any pics up yet? Thanks, Dawn.

  16. I also forgot to say to thanks to den and others for yet another great run show . i must say the racing at the end was well worth the wait what speed fae roxy and pete was amaizing to watch. well done.have a good season see you all next year.
  17. Thanks to everyone for their congrats,i was well proud of sid yday,and a big thankyou to wendy .i must say daves,pete was looking million dollars as usual .There were alot of cracking dogs there the best ive saw in a long time.And i was reading the comment on how the dogs who picked up the events arent working dogs .lol, all i can say is you dont have a clue what your talking about ,my sid is well and truely worked [pics to prove it .]and i knw most of the other winners ,and theyr all good working dogs.as for the same people well we dont just work our dogs but also maintain and take good care
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