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lola & tom

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Everything posted by lola & tom

  1. i don't think there is because if there was the world would be a better place than it is, and religion is also a cause of wars. also if there is a god why does he/she take the good ones young and leave the bad ones to get old.
  2. my whippet lives inside. usually taking up the whole sofa and fast asleep
  3. for me its hard beat a wander round in winter with a selection of lures in a backpack and a spinning rod.
  4. great teaching video for young and new shooters i remember when my young brain was baffled by this but i had no one like you to show me how then. wish i did and it would have saved a lot of frustration. im sure its helped a lot of people.
  5. make my family morgage free, buy myself a purdey hammergun and then buy a farm and become self sufficient
  6. hello everyone, im just introducing myself. i am into shooting, fishing and have a whippet pup (lola) under training at the moment getting ready for the ferreting season. i am from yorkshire and have been into shooting for about 11 years now. i hope to learn more on here and help where i can too
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