Hi guys
Im after a few fox snares, never tried snaring before but seem the only way to get some of these foxes that are being very crafty. so any of you make them or got a few spare?
Im after buying a scope for a Tikka T3 Lite .243 but not sure which scope to go for I've heard good things about both these makes but is one better than the other? also I have been told to just go for a basic 8x56 magnification so there is less time spent messing around with the magnification. what are you veiws on this? this will mainly be used for lamping foxes but with some deer stalking
Hi, Right on our syndicate we have quite a few ponds some are quite good at holding duck but there are others that are a bit to open so I was wondering what is the best sort of hedge to plant round the ponds I was thinking of hawthorn so it can be laid in a few years. also how easy it it to grow these from a cutting?
hi guys been looking at building a fox trap and cant find a supplyer of heavy gauge wire mesh do you think the fencing they use on building sites would be ok to use. the gaps are about 1.5inch by about 6inch. what do you think?
cheers sam
hi guys just been to check on my larsen trap. i have finally caught not 1 but 2 the only problem was with my butter fingers managed to move one of them to the call bird compartment but when i was moving the other into a different trap the slippery little bugger got away whats the chances of recatching that bird? or is that it and it wont go near the trap again?
cheers sam
hi guys, i have finally finished building my ladder trap on sunday and have baited it with the roof off but was thinking because i built the trap in wood i have set it in is it likely to work or should i think about moving it?
because went down there this evening and had a look from a distance but it looks as if nothing has been near it.
so what do you think?
Hi guys, Just built the frame work to a ladder trap today and going back to put the mesh on tomorrow. Just trying to work out the best bait to draw them in, and for how long before i put the funnel on?
cheers Sam
Hi DS can you explain why the ladder trap design you put up will not hold jackdaws does the gaps in the roof need to be smaller to hold them.
thanks Sam
Hi guys i have this in car cd player for sale it is nearly new came with my landrover but i changed it for a cd player out my old car so has just been sitting around for the last few months. http://www.lowcostcaraudio.co.uk/shop/Blau...NERS/BLAUPUNKT/ it is on this web site for £89.99 so am looking for around £70 plus P+P
cheers sam