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Everything posted by lamping_dave

  1. I have just got a deer/grey first cross 2 1/2 year old said to be from david platt it stands at 28tts and is a beast, haven't had him out yet but been told he is a top alrounder so ill find out myself tomorrow nite. He is a brindle rough coat ill get sum picks up when I find out how to.
  2. I'm off out late on for a hard nights lamping in the motor, was out last nite on foot and after walking in thick mud for 6 hours it takes its toll so the motor is a defo for tonight.
  3. I use all 3 depending where I am and what I am running them on!!
  4. Did it land on the switch side on your handle bars?? It could be a loose wire on that mate its worth a look
  5. Is it just me or is anyone else sick of this weather?? I am at work and its minus 11 outside and minus 7 inside, I haven't been able to work my dogs due to the ground been so solid, so think I might get them some ice skates for xmas, and the weather looks set to stay for a good while, we spend all that time getting our dogs fit then it mostly goes to waste with been layed up and only getting walks on leads!!! Rant over back to work!!
  6. Ya carnt beat a staffie, I got 2 staffies 2 bull x's and a jack russel, the staffys are house dogs and the only ones a trust round kids oh and the jack russel cause its only 10weeks old
  7. They have taken over near me, I get them in my back garden daily and whilst driving about see agood 10 a nite!! Think they tease my dogs in my back garden
  8. Hi I have 3 bithes 2x bull x and 1 saluki collie, they are all kenneled toether, I have only just recently got 2 off them so they haven't been in season yet, will it be a problem with them kenneled together, when one does come in season, I have had mixed views on this, atb dave
  9. Been with my mate today to move his horse on to a new field, which he has bought, we got the horse onto the new field and had a walk around make sure all the fences was secure, as you do I was more interested in finding warrens, half way round seen a few bunnys sat out in the middle off the field so went to av a look, and they was a nice 10 holer with fresh dropping etc all round it, and that's where the bunnys dropped into,then found another 3 decent size warrens all active, its a nice big field out off the way, and I don't think it has been ferreted for a good while, so I'm pleased with tha
  10. my bull x smashed his feet up about 3 weeks ago aint had him out since and won't be till the ground is a lot softer, I didn't think it was that bad where I went but first run, back in motor feet bleeding, straight home atb dave
  11. Bull x and got a saluki cross that will be starting next season!!
  12. I was out with the dogs early hours this morning to see what was about and it was quiet bad around 4am ish no noise just lots off lightening and it was ace, sorry no pics tho!!
  13. lamping_dave


    Its hard to pick a name for a pup, I got my 6 year old son to pick mine and he came up with storm cause my pups sire is called thunder and that stuck so storm it is!! Atb with your pup.
  14. Mine live in there kennels never come in my house infact they are scared off the laminate flooring, they have heating and the best beds I can find, they live in luxary there happy and so am I!!
  15. That's what I am gonna do bide my time I have a bull x that I go out with every other nite, so they is no rush to get the pup started, I am putting a lot off work into the pup I have high hopes for her, atb with your pup. Dave
  16. I have a pup saluki, collie, whippit which is 6 months old, I am not starting her off till next season now as I don't want to ruin her, but I have been reading on some threads people are starting them off around 7months old, me personally wouldn't due to mine being still puppyish playing etc, just wondered what age the majority off peopke start their pups off, cheers dave
  17. Both mine out side kenneled, they won't come in the house if you shout off them, they are scared off walking on the laminate flooring!!
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