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Everything posted by lamping_dave

  1. Prefer lightforce 170 got to have decent battery carry case charger etc, lithium battery preferred, top price paid cash waiting asap cheers
  2. Epson EMP-62 Projector Home cinema kit all leads two remotes full working order great condition, can rig up to laptop, DVD player, swap for any thing hunting related pm me with what you have, lamp kits, guns etc cheers
  3. I got a p reg landrover discovery commercial 300tdi for sale jacked up but not loads so doesn't look stupid and got some big tyres on it, 11 months mot no tax just had service and new battery fitted, it has rear seats or can be taken out but with the seats still plenty off room for dogs etc £1200 Slight bit off rust on bottom off door, nothing to worry about really will clean up!!
  4. Just wondering what people use, as I am gonna treat my self to a full Lamping kit, I want something not real heavy and the battery to last all nite or near enough, if people have web sites with them on etc that would be great, I was using a lightforce and a 17ah battery but it's seen better days, money not really a issue you pay for quality atb dave
  5. I got two Bull x pups here 7 weeks old well bred check the free section atb dave
  6. Dam Sire Only got two bitchs left a chunky one and a racy one both dark brindle
  7. Thank you, they are good eaters and been on the best, they was 5weeks in the pic I will get some up to date ones when I get home from work, they are alot bigger now,
  8. Bull x pups 7 weeks old, I bred these my self for own stock and friends but have been let down on two one bitch one male, nice big strong health pups, dam 1/4 bull grey does all quarry single, sire 3/8th bull grey does all quarry single, I am in hull, good working homes only so no chavs, I have not advertised these pups, I will also be checking peoples contents on here to give me a good idea who you are, sorry if I sound funny but I have put so much hard work into these pups from day 1 and want the best for them, pm me only it's in the free section but a bag off food would be nice thanks dave
  9. I got a p reg 300tdi disco all standard, tidy motor tax till end off year mot this month, will take £600 quick sale
  10. Just wondering other peoples opinions on getting dogs back fit after having pups. How long after having pups do you start taking her on short walks? How far would you go? The reason I ask is cause my bitch has had pups they are 13 days old and my bitch is wanting to go out, I am in no rush to get her back fit as I am just going to take it steady with her and build her up slowly atb dave.
  11. Make be if you had better music on your dog might off got 1!!
  12. I know the area well and Been stopped by that copper whilst out with the dogs.
  13. Sire 3/8th bull grey Dam 1/4 bull grey
  14. The 5 left are all with the bitch and she is doing great with them all.
  15. Couple more And the runt that we sadly lost after bottle feeding for 3nights
  16. Lost her last nite, th remaining 5 (4male 1 female) are big strong healthy pups and doing great, The dam is 1/4 bull grey and sire is 3/8th bull grey, more pics to follow (they are only in basket whilst I was trying to get the runt to feed off her) atb dave
  17. My bitch has had her pups she had her first at 3am Friday morning and her last at 5pm Friday it was long and tiring, She has 8 in total lost 2 at birth and started hand rearing the runt as it wouldn't feed off the bitch but sadly l
  18. Hi I have no longer got any ferrets as I got rid off them, and now I have just got sum permission over run with rabbits, I cannot use my dog as she is in pup and due in a week, the farmer wants rid off the rabbits asap so I need to crack on as I am not willing to lose my permission, so I am offering some one to tag a long for a few days out, they must be experienced and have all the stuff ferrets, nets etc, dogs are ok aslong as they as broke to horses, I am not willing to take any young kids out or chavs, it is in hull please pm me only, I would like to meet the person first before hand genui
  19. Thanks for that mate 5/16th bull 11/16th grey(so just over a quarter bull)
  20. Nice dog mate what do you want to put him over.?
  21. Haha looks like it's pissed on his leg but hasn't, bitch is 1/4 bull grey and sire is 3/8 bull grey don't know what percentage pups will be hopefully some one on here can help? Atb dave
  22. Hi my bitch is expecting pups in 3weeks so just thought I'd put a couple off pics on here off dam and sire, My bitch is 7years old and is a 1/4 bull grey, she is a great worker day and nite, this is going to be her first litter and last, the sire is my mates 3/8 bull grey 3 years old and is also a great worker he was bought off a guy on this site an a few off the lads on here no the dog (Lincoln) an no it's a good worker, I have only bred the dog due to I want to keep 2 pups out off the litter and the rest are already spoken for to local lads and I am giving them away for free as I ain't in
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