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live catchter

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Everything posted by live catchter

  1. id wouldnt come with you if you payed me you doubling up c**ts heard all about if the dogs carnt do it then dont take them fat boy

  2. It must be all rumors because leggys to lazy to get up the fat useless c**t

  3. whats this fat boy your lurcher jibbing and selling him on thats the type of c**t you are thogh in it

  4. no need to get nasty isi charl i was only saying the truth that leggy dont deserve one although have one for 50 quid the cheeky fat c**t
  5. Cracking pups mate an a bit of advioce sell or give nothing to ackie08 (leegy) nothing but a time wasting wanker and thats all his dogs are is locked up in tha kennel an doubles up ith morty and charlies dogs. nob thats what he his
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