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Everything posted by desertbred

  1. Personally I'd prefer a well disciplined and professional soldier between them and my family rather than a mentally ill man who by his own admission can't deal with the stress of combat. He is/was suffering from ptsd/combat fatigue due to his tours without proper and continual assessment by these well disciplined and professional Soldiers known as Commanding Officers. These for the majority are Military Acadamy graduates who usually have the satisfaction of the Politicians uppermost in their priorities. Who send ill equipped under funded and in some cases unfit servicemen out to do the se
  2. There appears to be a lot of recrimination going on here, a lot from folk who have never experienced a conflict situation. its ok having Geneva Conventions. Human Rights Acts and Rules of Engagement, these are for Politicians, Lawyers and hand wringers to argue about from positions of safety and security. Out in the field in conflict zones some times a uniformed man has to be judge , jury and executioner. . To even imagine all parties in armed condflict observe rules and regulations is nieve to say the least and plain stupid in reality. Through out the military services certain units are train
  3. how do you know tossers drive vans then.thats a bit of a statement Obviosly over your head ,dont bother about it.
  4. Apparantly tossers dont only drive around in vans they use the internet also
  5. The c**ts have got to be mentally defective, if they didnt want the dog PTS no need for blatant cruelty tossers
  6. Similar to the internet and working dogs then?
  7. Tony Burns Sonny beat my bitch when she was 13 months old strange none of the alledged other top Salukis ever beat her since shes retired now with severe arthritus .My dogs run any pures during the season but not many takers strange that. My main dog is starting his 6th year now so pures up for a run next season you lads with pures let me know.
  8. Flush it with a saline solution and a 10ml syringe twice a day for a couple of days then smear it with Manuka honey keep the lamp shade on and 7 days antibiotics the vet has prescribed.
  9. i have known bitches over 3 not have a season some working bitches sometimes have sporadic seasons missing several cycles. Yet other bitches known them to come in 8/9months old and be regular as clockwork every 6 months after that. As for maturing after first season had a ouple were immature all their lives, . If your concerned have her checked out by a vet . otherwise just let nature take its course some times having it round other bitches in season will bring it in.
  10. LOL I notice your clown talk starts at the end of the season you dont even know my dogs. I would hope any dog would catch in March ! top coursing dogs lol ffs give it a rest . I often wondered about lads bringing pups and young stock up North of the border to school them? It must be because of the superior stuff up there. .
  11. The Taiga a Mongolian dual purpose guard hunting dog seen them crossed with Saluki hard as nails will tackle anything bit heavy for quick stuff but game as they come usually from accidental matings ,Penty of heavey flock Guards Afghan Koochi, Kangol from Turkey produce heavey hunting dogs when out crossed for a couple of generations to running dogs usually for wolf etc, Tazi is just regional dialect for a saluki.
  12. The hares were lightweight and quite leggy not as Quick as the UK brown hares but tough and up for a run . they could go all day born at altitude and had wind to spare.Game seems sparse but I think its the vastness of the Terrain rather than a lck of stuff. They fly to Eagles a lot especially in Mongolia as for them its meat on the table more than a passtime. As you drop from the Steps and into , Kazakstan, Azerbhaijan, Khurdistan Uzbekhistan the hounds are Saluki or heavily saturated saluki influenced. they all seemed to have good feet and the higher up heavier coats. The vast expanse of the
  13. Seen a lot of breeds around kids with difficulties strange most of the Dogs hav a sixth sense and undestand maybe better than we do. Study as many breeds as you can ,by reading and hands on contact. Then have a good long hard think then think some more, good luck to you and your kids whatever you decide.
  14. nice bit of fat on him as a pup should be ATB with him.
  15. Now there is a useless piece of equipment for hare coursing. have you seen the vids of the russians hare coursing db,,,,they use some working borzio,,,and cross breds with grey and saluki...difrent to our show bred dogs.. Been coursing and hunting with the Ruskies on the Mongolian Steppes and in Kazakstan to be honest not impressed with Borzois at all, they were originally bred for running wolf down mainly in forests different game out on the big flats. As you say seen some crosses but hard to see what Borzoi bring to the Table.. Show stuff in most breeds is detrimental to any br
  16. Could well be Borzoi in American stuff they are not the brightest buttons
  17. Now there is a useless piece of equipment for hare coursing.
  18. i ve seen Scots hares LOL I could catch them myself, bit more fiction than fact but if its silly talk season does it matter? Ive run salukis from the 50,s and still doing it all over the Globe there is fact for you.
  19. A paceySaluki born for the things you describe I worked in Saudi Arabia, in the mid 70s for Rashid Owiada Al-qatani, an extremely rich Bedouin, his family had there special Salukis + racing camels, In my opinion you need more than Saluki, in the mix, Win, goes over to the states, and he was saying those Jack rabbits and Hares can shift, Dutch salmons, hope thats the guys name, who he has been out with, the breed he had had a mix of greyhound, deerhound, and saluki, bred from worker to worker, and they ran in pairs not single handed, 99% of the time we run our dogs single handed and
  20. i ve seen Scots hares LOL I could catch them myself, bit more fiction than fact but if its silly talk season does it matter?
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