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Everything posted by desertbred

  1. looks a very handy hound on the right the grizzle, some nice photos lads never been one for them myself dont think have any wedding photos even LOL ITS ALL i could manage a passport photo. very interesting topic
  2. just leave a radio on low if he thinks some one is there he should quieten down. also try to tire himout before you put him in the cage.
  3. So if its a bitch do you just finger it till you see the come face and it will let go???........... try it and let me know
  4. put your foot on the other persons dogs neck if that is doing the ragging, pin it to the floor if its a dog get a hand full of bollocks and twist left or right doesnt matter the dog cant yelp with a mouth full of the other dog when it releases still keep it pinned as it will do one of two things when you release it it will either run away if you twisted them hard enough or it will grab your bollocks dont ry it on a bitch or a castrated dog though or on a police dog the courts take a very dim view of that
  5. willie tuff was a dog man born and bred RIP Tuffy
  6. first at 8 weeks second around 12 weeks dont leave it later and dont let them out or run with outside dogs until its been completed
  7. Contact the Community liason in the Pakistan Consul in the place where you live. they will advise you. The Pakistan Goverment only issues a limited number of licenses to hunt and the season iquite short it is a lot more expensive than people think most of the licenses are bought up by the Arab Sheikhs. Fishing is available in numourous places river lake and sea THE northern areas like Swat and Gilgit have some good fishing, some areas are forbidden to foreigners and permission to visit some areas is only granted by the interior ministry, Any fish caught is usually cooked by your guide when i
  8. wont go far wrong what bird dogs said and its 16 weeks from start to finsh befor a bitch is back to normal they start to carry milk and lose pace THEY CALL IT THE FLAT STOP the biggist injury a bitch will av on that basis of 16 weeks to get right a 6 monthly bitch would be out of action for 3/4 of the year get real the main reason they are not run on the track is that it would interfere with the dogs on the track, vets will jab a bitch to keep it out of season but she would still physically build up the layer of fat because of the biological clock but they would still be run
  9. dont be nosey went for a few drinks in that bar at the side of reebok with a glamour model from bolton shes done a bit of porn aswell .then after a few drinks in the hotel faceing it. i will leave the rest to your imagenation glister :laugh: . you still on for that day out pal glamour model my arse
  10. let her run just be careful no dogs around to accidently line it
  11. There are two sides to the coin ,whilst I dont post photos of what I am doing, some lads old and young do, this is thier choice illegal activity or not. The lacs and the tree huggers post all kinds of photographs and spew thier poison in thier quest to eradicate hunting one way or another, so some of the people who think the hunting ban should be repealed carry on and are willing to show they are not phased by the ban and years after it was draconianly imposed the hunting is still going on. It is across the generations who do it and why should they cow tow to the antis and halt thier sportin
  12. who did that farmer or game keeper i f*****g love game keepers like that especially early morning when no boys in blue about
  13. desertbred


    any one have a contact for MP thanks
  14. Ha ha look lads that's what mr king told me was that's his full bred saluki how long is the man hunting inthis game Jesus he would prob lose half ye and find ye again,one thing I liked about the man he tried to help with your dogs not run them down,he seemed to me a really nice fella and great man fir his age alli got to say is fair play to him I have been round salukis all my life here and in Iran I am 62 years old and that red dog is not full saluki incidently i now live in Manchester so tell me what it is bred down from it was said it came from here in Manchester it was from Noonie wa
  15. there are dogs in england saluki lurcher bred for generations that are just referred to as salukis he could be one of them ,,i would like to know were he came from an what hes of half the lads advertising do so as salukis but they are not saluki,a saluki not a x simple or are us lads with the pures wasting ours and everyone elses time?
  16. what do they say those who live in glass houses? should get venetian blinds
  17. if you go about it this way the only thing you will be out running are the police and the rspca, think about it.
  18. forget about percentages and bag sizes, on any particular day or night, just get out run whatever dogs youve got on whatever land is available to you and most importantly enjoy it. To much time spent trying to bring science and disection into it.
  19. the police not saying anything about the scabby c*nts being balaclavad up and masked any one else did it you would be arrested for terrorism or something
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