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Everything posted by desertbred

  1. she is an ardent coursing fan and has been prosecuted for it before, she is the ideal person to put up against that ponce May
  2. not because of you but due to some members going beyond banter with thier comments
  3. welcome you will learn on here ok unfortunatley not a lot about dogs
  4. your dead wrong about the pee breaks we all wear incontinence pants or in the wost cases wet suits and waders
  5. im 62 still into my coursing cant run so much now just more crafty LOL
  6. Sorry mate, I have'nt got any bedlington's of any type, must be someone else your thinking of, and I'm from Norn Iron ( Northern Ireland ), but I have been to Manchester to watch the most successful team in English football play. the last time Liverpool played there from Manchester also the North
  7. it puts things into perspective, RIP and condolences to the family
  8. It must torment them with a pie crust on in the oven
  9. just tree hugger propaganda article from start to finish no of the contributers to the article have a clue including or should I say especially the police officer, is it any wonder that the general public are misled by these fabrications and lies
  10. Get them culled never mind that tree hugging twat Brian May should cull him as well. Then start on the urban foxes once they have done that may be this rubbish goverment could fulfill the promise to look at the hunting with dogs ban
  11. of course you can tell the workers especially when they start ragging the pot lickers round the judges legs
  12. sickner if it turns out a good worker and breeding prospect, Having said that there are plenty that should be spayed instead of being used as breeding machines, so tough question
  13. not worth going out if the plod is thick on the ground they delight in fecking your day up and cost you as well
  14. Lads with dogs other than coursing should tread carefully as if your dog is marked up heavily and you travel abroad for doing things you can still be prosecuted as you are resident here and some legislation in EU can be tricky for example if you sent a litter of pups from England to Eire to have them docked and then brought them back you could be prosecuted if the litter and reason for docking didnt comply with UK legislation could be the same with certain hunting activities
  15. plenty of rest and get it in a mag box as often as possible. after a couple of weeks plenty of swimming
  16. here in north west absolute drenching in last 10 hours
  17. Bulgarian mafia you only need a black leather jacket, shades and a old series 7 BMW and your in
  18. Bulgaria cost of living 1/2 UK, property cheap have Hunting laws mainly for guns, plenty of places to run dogs and people tend to mind there own business
  19. she needs to bond with you which they take thier time about let her sit on you and even sleep on the bed while she bonds, you do the feeding because if it bonds with some one else cant change it
  20. get som tea tree oil wet the gum it will soften it and wipe it off
  21. good luck with he saluki pup nice and steady and low voice is the way with the pures Atb
  22. how is Khan Jihad stuff pure Arabian? yo will have to go way back to find any desert stuff in his line hes pure saluki not Arabian
  23. Think he has learnt what to bait the hook with to catch a few.
  24. you should fit right in with many of the self appointed experts on here
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