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Everything posted by desertbred

  1. European DNA, of course So when UK leaves the Confines of Europe his claim to the throne will be gone according to your reasoning ? Europe is not the same as the EU. People are still African even if they live in Europe. I don't see why this is such an issue for people, DNA is a real thing, it doesn't mean someone is worse or better. Surely DNA string is common to all if you go back far enough
  2. What do you want folk to do about it? I wouldn't risk my freedom, my job or my family for an event that didn't directly affect me even if I would deport the lot today given half the chance. They are allowed to carry out these acts because the government allows it despite their entire knowledge of the situation. Exactly ! My generation are largely whining,effeminate and impulsive,but they have a vote and immigrants,particularly Muslim ones lower their living standard,so they do have a use. When life gives you lemons... Those under the age 17 are actually very conservative,mor
  3. What do you want folk to do about it? I wouldn't risk my freedom, my job or my family for an event that didn't directly affect me even if I would deport the lot today given half the chance. They are allowed to carry out these acts because the government allows it despite their entire knowledge of the situation. Exactly ! My generation are largely whining,effeminate and impulsive,but they have a vote and immigrants,particularly Muslim ones lower their living standard,so they do have a use. When life gives you lemons... Those under the age 17 are actually very conservative,mor
  4. European DNA, of course So when UK leaves the Confines of Europe his claim to the throne will be gone according to your reasoning ?
  5. In the UK the reigning Monarch is of German descent her Husband is Greek so Prince Charles is he British English or what is his Nationality ?
  6. She looks distressed holding her head bout to cry and messaging her parents to reassure them shes ok, and coming home now. She probably already checked injured people and saw that they are all looked after by othrs so instead just standing there its better to go home incase second strike. You dont want everyone surrounding injured man, will block the air from him if hes already cant breath well. Behave yourself chatting shite making light of this atrocity isnt smart
  7. They wouldnt be planning feck all else it takes time but they would be dead no ifs and buts in Iran .The Sauds clandestinaly finance and support this shit mate. but the "kIngs" are supported and armed by some Democracies . Iran has been fighting DAESH (isis ) for years in Iraq and Syria but the puppet Masters the Sauds are safe under Western patronage to brain wash these terrorist s . The Folk around the world should have a serious word with their politicians. Though so mate, bet you can't wait for that Western brand of freedom that means your innocent civilians can be murdered but as long as
  8. They wouldnt be planning feck all else it takes time but they would be dead no ifs and buts in Iran .The Sauds clandestinaly finance and support this shit mate. but the "kIngs" are supported and armed by some Democracies . Iran has been fighting DAESH (isis ) for years in Iraq and Syria but the puppet Masters the Sauds are safe under Western patronage to brain wash these terrorist s . The Folk around the world should have a serious word with their politicians.
  9. What do you want folk to do about it? I wouldn't risk my freedom, my job or my family for an event that didn't directly affect me even if I would deport the lot today given half the chance. They are allowed to carry out these acts because the government allows it despite their entire knowledge of the situation. Apparently the terrorist who carried out this Barbaric act was British born so where to and how would you deport such criminals?A caged Lion can be born in Britain, still doesn't make it British does it? Now answer the question without the pound shop philosophy
  10. All police are not suitable candidates to be armed in public places that is a fact even the police accept. I have no objection to specialised trained officers being armed as a matter of course but the calibre of the officer has to be of the utmost importance. A policy of incapacitate should be discarded and a shoot to kill any armed dangerous threat to public safety should be endorsed. One shot to the Chest and one to the Head that way it would be very difficult to keep the perpetrator on life support as all human rights cease the minute the intent to take innocent life is attempted. That mean
  11. R.IP to all the victims and commiserations to all affected by this cowardly terror attack.
  12. What do you want folk to do about it? I wouldn't risk my freedom, my job or my family for an event that didn't directly affect me even if I would deport the lot today given half the chance. They are allowed to carry out these acts because the government allows it despite their entire knowledge of the situation. Apparently the terrorist who carried out this Barbaric act was British born so where to and how would you deport such criminals?
  13. Expert at spotting folk that dont even have a dog
  14. I work harder than any of Ghanems dogs
  15. He got beat in his election so one vote one seat or ten thousand the majority dont like his politics.
  16. It's that common it's no longer news worthy....... Is this also un news worthy no one bothered to post it? Man who admits raping schoolgirl, 12, walks free from court 'because ... https://www.thesun.co.uk/.../man-who-admits-raping-schoolgirl-12-walks-free-from-cou...19 hours ago - Student who admitted raping 12-year-old in Edinburgh walks free as judge ... Lady Scott today said she had decided justice is best served by . I don't know, maybe this one blocked it out?http://pamelageller.com/2017/03/muslims-gang-rape-teen.html/ Your trying to justify one travesty with another what a pla
  17. It's that common it's no longer news worthy....... Is this also un news worthy no one bothered to post it? Man who admits raping schoolgirl, 12, walks free from court 'because ... https://www.thesun.co.uk/.../man-who-admits-raping-schoolgirl-12-walks-free-from-cou...19 hours ago - Student who admitted raping 12-year-old in Edinburgh walks free as judge ... Lady Scott today said she had decided justice is best served by . I don't know, maybe this one blocked it out?http://pamelageller.com/2017/03/muslims-gang-rape-teen.html/ Your trying to justify one travesty with another what a pl
  18. It's that common it's no longer news worthy....... Is this also un news worthy no one bothered to post it? Man who admits raping schoolgirl, 12, walks free from court 'because ... https://www.thesun.co.uk/.../man-who-admits-raping-schoolgirl-12-walks-free-from-cou... 19 hours ago - Student who admitted raping 12-year-old in Edinburgh walks free as judge ... Lady Scott today said she had decided “justice is best served” by .
  19. Good length to him Cocker .He has all the ingredients ,now up to you to Cook them right which you will ATB
  20. yeh and they also make gorges suck there cock That your occupation is it then I'm a traveller mate wouldn't take your job You sound like a cock sucker
  21. yeh and they also make gorges suck there cock That your occupation is it then
  22. How do you know that there were plenty of lads out there in the Exactley the same conditions Ever fire fight is diffrent as far as I know All people act differently under duress ever soldiers So basically if you fight for your country and fuc up , and there's been plenty that have, you get hung out to dry Usually if you fuc up you come home in a body bag .in the case of Sgt Blackman because of helcam some one had to pay the piper for a mistake of loose lips
  23. Every human has a breaking point some reach that threshhold some dont. I dare say a lot of service men around the Globe would struggle to pass psycological profiling especially ones who have the tee shirt. In the Military you are expected to accept and obey orders. There is however in rules of procedure and Discipline certain provisions and sub sections to question and refuse the orders of a superior if his mental faculties appear to be impaired. The Unit of Sgt Blackman were eithe rall in the same frame of mental agitation or they were well disciplined not to question orders or actions surely
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