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Everything posted by desertbred

  1. Try it with it wearing dark glasses the whiteness might be throwing it a bit, also are you feeding it whale blubber?
  2. obviously you havent seen any decent salukis
  3. bring back out of town with Clarissa
  4. the operative word is fight mate Audrey couldnt fight a fecking cold
  5. Because you can't leave them alone weve been there and tried that. When you do they start flying airliners into buildings and setting off explosions in underground stations or bombing Western Embassy's Fair point matey, but it rather begs the question of why aint we invading Pakistan then? Its gone from "removing the taliban" because they were a threat to security and possibly harbouring Bin Laden to "freeing the Afghan people and improving their lives" I watched a thing the other day about a group of soldiers in Afghan, the strategy from command was "go out and walk around
  6. The young Girl was brutally attacked by the Taliabn and they should be extErminated but reality is the Taliban were financed by the American CIA to fight against the Russian invasion of Afghanistan the money was provided in 1985 to General ZIA-ul Haq who was President of Pakistan at that time and the funds went to the ISI to form the Taliban. Ossama Bin Ladens family also gained there wealth from American And British oil companies. Saddam Hussain was put in charge of Iraq by the British when he was a student leader so clean the western goverments up before trying to police the world.
  7. the main area they have clamped down on running the dogs is the Ribble Valley three weeks ago the Lancashir constabulary issued 100 warning notices to known dog lads,The Warrington police come under Cheshire Constabulary in fact the warrington police are not as keen as most other areas
  9. the first ones to cry foul are the hunt lads when they see running dogs on the Land or they see a couple of lads after charlie
  10. he was up for sale a cppl month back who was? queen nelly? No Alfie
  11. Basically the hunts shafted the running dog lads as they thought they would be allowed business as usual but they were shafted in turn what is that saying what goes around comes around nothing to do with class just betrayal and deceipt
  12. Cameron is an opportunist he is smart enough to realise that the hunting fraternity are in the minority and the tree huggers are a well oiled propoganda machine and would cost him in the next election if he repealed the ban. Even if he stood by his election promise and allowed a free vote in Parliment the gob shite MP.s would vote against a repeal as they know thier vote bank would be destroyed and they would be off the gravy train. So simpley the ban on hunting with dogs in our types of hunting will remain banned and the terriers for the hunt and the driving to guns with the shooting fratern
  13. keep it simple plenty of carbohydrates pasta, unpolished rice, rusk, brown bread interspersed with faty mutton and veg chicken carcasses twice a week as a change its not fecking rocket science
  14. you never know what you will learn but welcome anyway
  15. some nice sport there well done
  16. what x, how tall parents and grand parents , could throw back to any height. If dam is 23 tts look around that height
  17. plenty of pures doing plenty of everything he wants
  18. Do your home work on salukis first , a good working line is capable of everything you ask but they are not a breed that suits everyone. They can be very stubborn and once in hunting mode will hunt everything that moves often running many of one slip. If you find a good one you will be hooked and not go to any other breed atb in your search
  19. if people dont ask they dont learn, So many wanna be experts on here yet they are inept at giving guidance and advice
  20. put her to a good working saluki will sort the feet and stamina out
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